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Summary:Nick was bringing down a box, and he missed a step on the stairs and he stumbled and passed out on the floor, and his brothers panicked and stayed with him until he wakes up.


Requested by lostlittlebluestar

Matt's Pov
Today is our day off, we decided to have a day off from filming and just relax now at home.Currently right now here i am at the kitchen cooking lunch for my brothers.My brothers are busy today i am the only one who isn't Busy.

Nick is busy editing and doing the laundry, while Chris is stressing about his huge exams tomorrow and is currently finishing some reports to pass tomorrow also.After 5 minutes of cooking I prepare the table already.

While i was preparing i saw Nick coming in the kitchen and he smiled at me, he doesn't look that much tired"Hey Nick, how are you? You don't look that much tired?"i asked Nick as he sat down and smiled at me"Yeah, i slept for about an hour"He said and i gave him a plate but told him not to eat yet.

A minute later when i am preparing out drinks,Chris came in the kitchen with eye bugs and he looks tired"Hey Chrissy, you okay?"Nick asked as he sat down and yawned"Yeah, i'm just tired I haven't slept since last night since i was so busy with studying and finishing my report."He said as he layed his head on Nick's shoulder.

Me and Nick looked at each other sadly and sighed"Hon, here you need to eat and after you eat take a nap okay?"I said and i saw him nodded slightly.I sighed in relief that he is willing to take a break.

After eating we all went to the couch me and Nick are on our phone while Chris is taking a nap his head on my lap and he's legs on Nick's lap."Nick?"I called out to Nick in a whisper to not wake up this beautiful boy in our laps."Yeah Matt what is it?"He said looking up from his phone.

"Have you done the laundry yet? I mean did you bring it down here yet?"I asked he looked shocked and sighed and said"Not yet, i'll just bring it down when Chrissy wakes up, he looks so peaceful i don't wanna wake him up."Nick said and looked at Chris"Okay,Nicky"I said and smiled at him while i caressed Chris' face.

I feel bad for Chris he is stressing about he's exams tomorrow and he's reporting tomorrow.I hope we can help him.Me and Nick stopped school but Chris doesn't he wants to finish College he's graduating College in the next 1 year.

After an hour, we felt movements in both of our laps and we saw that Chris is awake"Hey sleepyhead how was ur sleep?"Nick asked as he ruffled his hair.Chris smiled and said"Fine, thanks"Chris smiled and hugged me basically clinging to me which made me and Nick giggles.

Nick's Pov
When Chris woke up, I decided to hang around them more before i tend to what i was doing earlier."Okay,Chrissy and Matty just stay here okay? I'll be back down with the laundry that needs to be laundered"I said at the both of them and they smiled.

I went to Matt's room and collected all his dirty clothes including his socks, and then i went to Chris' room who's room is so much messier than Matt's room"Ugh, this boy doesn't know how to clean hm!"I said and sighed to myself before cleaning his room and collecting his dirty clothes.

I then went to my room and collected my dirty clothes and i put all of them in our laundry box and i have to bring it downstairs to get it laundry.I carried the laundry basket downstairs since the basket is blocking my full view, i missed a step and then my vision turned to black.

Chris' Pov
Me and Matt are just here at the couch when we heard a thud at the stairs.Me and Matt looked at each other pressure and nervousness rising at our chest"Nick? Is that you? Are you okay?"Matt called out to his brother and we didn't get any response.

We decided to check up on him,when we got to stairs we stopped dead in our tracks, there is our brother on the floor with so many blood coming out of his head"OMG!NICK,NICOLAS WAKE UP!"I called tears falling down my eyes"Sh!t, what do we do? Do we call 911?"Matt frantically said.

He has tears on his eyes and is panicking"NO,no let's just take care of him and wait for him to wake up he hates hospitals Matt!"I said also panicking.My mind is an absolute mess right now my brain can't even think straight.

"Okay,stay here i'll get some ice pack!!"Matt said and he hurriedly rushed to the kitchen.While Matt was getting some Ice pack i pulled my hand out of Nick's head and saw my hand full of blood.My brothers blood. I feel my chest tightening and my breathing sounds like wheezing(in this Matt doesn't have anxiety only Chris is).

I closed my eyes and tried to calm my self down, but I couldn't until i felt my hands was brought to someone's chest and it was Matt"breath, breath Chrissy."Matt said and my breathing returns to normal.

"Okay,put this on his head and let's bring him to the couch and wait for him to wake up and then we ask him what happened!!"Matt said and i nodded.I put the ice pack on his head and we brought him to the couch while Matt cleans the blood of off the floor.

I looked down at the blood at my hands, and then some negative thoughts came flooding my mind,Is Nick gonna be okay? Will he be okay? Will he die? NO! He wont die Nick is strong.All we have to do now is to wait for him to wake up.

I was spaced out while looking at my bloody hands when a wet towel was placed at my hands and wiped the blood.I looked up and it was Matt, he hugged me and i broke down in his shoulders"Shh shh,Don't cry hun he's gonna be okay hm?"Matt said comforting while i just mumble a quiet"yes" and calmed down a bit later.

5mins later
It's been 5minutes and Nick is still unconscious when heard groaning and mumble and we saw Nick.He's awake! We immediately went to him and bombarded him with questions"Are you okay? What happen? Does anything hurt?"I asked bombarding him with questions.

Nick's pov
I groaned and mumbled and saw that i'm lying on the couch.I touched my head, and i felt some bandaged wrap around it.What happened to me? Why does my head hurt like this? Then it hit me, that i tripped down the stairs and couldn't see anything.

I sat at the couch and Chris bombarded me with questions"Are you okay? What happen? Does anything hurt?"Chris asked i can feel the panic from his voice until here"Chris! Don't ask him too many questions!"Matt said and slapped his shoulder.

"I-im okay, aside from my head hurting, I remember bringing down the laundry basket and i missed a step and hit my head hard and then it went black."I said and then i felt hands wrapping my torso and someone resting their heads on my chest"You got us worried! Especially Chris, he had an Panic attack Nick!"Matt said.

"Aww sorry hun, Matt can you get some pain meds?"i asked and Matt nodded and took some pain meds.Chris came to me and cuddled my waist as I ruffled his hair.Matt came back later with the meds"here you go hun, no chores or anything we're taking care of you mhm?"Matt said and I nodded.

He hopped at the other end of the couch and turned on the Tv.I feel sleepy and Matt layed my head to his shoulders and kissed my forehead before we slept at the couch never letting go of each other.

The end!
Anymore requests??
Thank you for reading this!!

Counted words:1411

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