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"Ah! Denis! Mhn! I love you!"


"Here's the report you told me to look at, I think it is all good,"




Taehyung gasped as he came back to himself, startling his secretary in the process.

The file that Maya had stretched out for Taehyung to take fell on the floor.

" Oh, I'm so sorry, Maya."

"It's alright," she said with a soft smile while bending down to pick up the file.

"Here," she said, holding the file towards Taehyung once more.

" Thank you," he said while grabbing it.

"What's wrong with you? You've been so out of it lately, " Maya questioned as she sat down in front of Taehyung.

Placing the file to the side, taehyung sighed. " Nothing, and I'm sorry if I seem not here. I'm just tired,"

" You work so hard for this company, take it easy, go out for some drinks,"

Taehyung smiled "Okay"

"Someday we should go all together, but for now, it seems you need a bit of alone time."

Maya got up and left Taehyung's office.

Taehyung rubbed his forehead.'Stupid memory, why won't you leave me alone!'


Taehyung pushed his empty glass towards the bartender, who refilled it without any thought.

Taehyung sent a smile toward the man and took a sip of his 3rd glass.

Turning around to look at the crowd, taehyung sighed. He needed this. It took his mind off of his ex-best friend.

As Taehyung watched the people who were out of their minds drunk and dancing, a certain person caught his eye.

'Fuck' he thought; he placed his drink back on the counter and got up to leave the place; he did not want to have to encounter or even talk to this person.

But when was luck on his side, his phone fell as he was placing it in his pocket, and before he could pick it up, a hand was already on his phone.

'Shit' Taehyung cursed

The person got up and extended the phone towards Taehyung, who took it rather quickly, this time finally placing it in his pocket.

Taehyung turned to leave without even looking at this person, but his hand was grabbed.

" hey taehyung," the person said

The voice pulled at his heartstrings, but he tried to calm himself down, turning toward said person, taheyung forced himself to smile.

"Hi Denis"

" look I haven't seen you in a long time and our last conversation wasn't the nicest to have and I just want to apologize"

Taehyung wanted to roll his eyes but held himself back. This was a cycle that wanted to repeat itself, and he didn't want to be a part of it anymore.

"Denis I don't want to talk about what happened"

" look taehyung I know I hurt your feelings but I want us to be friends at least"

Taehyung wanted to cry. He hated this man, yet the love he had for him always overpowered his hatred.

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