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Taehyung was standing in front of his apartment door staring at the floor as his office bag slowly slipped out of his grip.

And staring right back at him was a bouquet of mixed flowers with a card stuck in between them.

Looking around his floor, the boy found himself to be alone.

He tightened his grip on his bag and bent down to pick up the flowers.

Taking out his keys, the boy walked in and locked the door.

He put the flowers on his dining table and pulled the card out.

He looked at it and found no name he took it out of the envelope and opened it.

'Dear, taehyung

the night we shared has been imprinted in my mind, and it keeps getting harder and harder to forget about your throat between my hands as I squeeze it lightly to get a moan out of you. As we spoke yesterday I am delighted that you have agreed to go out with me, I would love to take you out tomorrow night, no need for any response I'll pick you up at your place at 8 pm.

Namjoon xx

As Taehyung stared at the name that sighed the letter, his mind was going into spirals.

'How did he find my workplace, and how the hell did he find where I live!'

He threw the letter on the table next to the flowers.

"I need a shower," he spoke to himself and walked away.

Taehyung spent the entire night avoiding the flowers and especially that horrendous letter.

Taehyung was staring at his ceiling, and suddenly, the ceiling was painted.

His eyes went wide with shock. He started blinking quickly and let out a sigh when his ceiling turned white again.

"I'm going mental." he groaned and tapped his side lamp, and he was engulfed in darkness.

Letting sleep take over, the boy started breathing softly.


Taehyung got up and stretched his arms, Yawning the boy got out of bed, the boy walked out of his room and halted as his eyes landed on the flowers.

He groaned, knowing tonight somehow he had a date. He tried to forget about it all and got ready for his day.

"Good morning," Taehyung said, smiling at the guard as he walked into the building.

Making his way to his floor, taehyung smiled at his emplyees, he walked toward his office and waved at the two girls on the way.

"He seems quite joyful," Maya whispered to Jay.

"Aren't you glad?" Jay responded as she typed away on her computer.

"It seems so odd," Maya announced and went back to her own work.

Taehyung let out a sigh as he sat on his chair.

He got his things ready for work but halted suddenly pushing his things out of the way the boy let his head fall on his desk.

'Why am i so happy?' He questioned himself as he hit his head softly against his desk.

'It's not because of him! No, no,' he chanted to himself.

He sat straight, shaking his head to forget about it all, and tried to get to work.


"Bye girls, see you tomorrow," taehyung announced as he walked toward the elevators.

The girls waved at him as he left.

Sighing, taehyung mentally prepared himself for what was to happen tonight.

'Maybe i could just not be home?'

He shook his head. If namjoon could find his workplace and home, he could find him anywhere at this point.

He groaned as he walked out of the elevator and toward his car.

Driving home, the boy let the music take his mind off of things.


Taehyung was staring at himself in the mirror as he tugged at his black coat.

'This is crazy,' he thought. He didn't even know anything about namjoon, didn't even properly remember the way to his house, yet the older man had found out where he lived and where he worked with just his first name!

Taehyung groaned and walked out of his apartment. Making his way down, he got a few stares from his neighbors.

He pushed the button for the elevator and stood there playing with his sweater. Taehyung had decided to wear a black turtleneck with an overlay of his favorite black coat and grey jeans.

As the elevator arrived, taehyung walked in.

'I need a smoke,' he thought as he looked around in his pockets for his pack.

Walking out taehyung stood in front of his apartment building.

He lit his lighter and inhaled the smoke.

A sudden thought came to his mind; the first night that he spent at namjoons house, and got driven back home, the boy didn't even tell the driver where to go he just knew.

At the time, he was still a bit hungover and didn't think about it.

"What did i get my myself into?" he mumbled, tapping his cigarette.

A honk broke him out of his thoughts taehyung watched as a man walked out of a black car and made his way towards him.

"Im here on behalf of Mister namjoon. Please get in."

Taehyung threw his cigarette bud on the floor and stomped on it before making his way to the car.

The drive was silent to the point taehyung felt uncomfortable, but he sighed in relief when it came to a halt.

He was told to stay in the car and the driver got out to open the door for him.

He finally got out and thanked the driver, who only bowed his head before gesturing taehyung toward the entrance.

Taehyung eyed the building it seemed to be a high-end restaurant. Walking in, more people gathered around him. The driver silently disappeared, and someone else guided him.

Taehyung stared at the man who told him to get in the elevator, as he punched the highest floor botton taehyung caughg sight of a tattoo appearing from under the collar.

He couldn't quite make out what it was. The man had stood straight with his hands behind his back as they waited to arrive to their floor.

The elevator dinged, and taehyung saw the floor number once he finally came back to his senses.

'28!' Taehyung was shocked.

The man with the tattoo led him, they walked a bit until they arrived in front of grand doors, that man opened.

Taehyung walked in and looked around he could see the city from all the windows that were scattered around the room, slightly hidden from the sheer curtains, taehyung bathed in the beauty of the room.

His body shivered when he caught sight of the ceiling, painted

Taehyung shook his head and finally looked at the long table, and at the end of it, he found namjoon, sitting.

The man had a glass of alcohol in his hand, when he saw taehyung he put it on the table and got up.

"You made it," he said, sending a smile towards taehyung.

'No shit I made it, I had no choice!' Taehyung thought.

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