A⃞ge Gap

366 11 2

Liz's POV
I'm in the car with Michael on our way to my parents house so they can meet Michael for the first time.

"Are you nervous?" I ask Michael.

"No. You?" Michael asks, briefly looking over at me before turning back to the road.

"No." I lie.

"Sure?" Michael asks, resting one of his hands on my thigh while the other one stays on the wheel.

"Well, the thing is... I haven't actually told them how old you are." I say tentatively.

"That could be a shock." Michael sighs.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't bring myself to tell them." I apologise, fidgeting with my hands.

"Do you think it'll be a problem?" Michael asks.

"I really hope not." I say nervously. "It's just that I've only spoken to them over the phone since we got together and it's so much harder to tell them anything like that and I really wanted to but... are you mad?"

"Liz, it's okay. Breathe for me." Michael says softly.

"Okay. Sorry." I take a deep breath.

"We've got this." Michael smiles.

"Have we?" I ask.

"Only one way to find out." Michael says as we pull up on the drive.

We get out of the car and Michael takes my hand as we walk up to the house and I knock on the door.

"Oh my god." I say shakily.

"It'll be alright, whatever happens." Michael kisses my cheek.

The door opens and both of my parents are stood there.

"Liz, hi! Oh, I thought you were bringing your boyfriend?" Dad asks.

"Where's Michael? Is this your driver?" Mom asks, gesturing to Michael.

"Mom, this is Michael." I say, holding up our joint hands.

"Oh, uh, my mistake. Uh, come in." Mom says slowly, moving the door for us to walk inside.

"No. Not on my watch. You and I need to have a little talk, Mister." Dad says, staring Michael down.

"Dave, let them at least have a coffee first." Mom says.

My Dad sighs but walks in.

Michael and I step into the house and dad turns around immediately to face us.

"I'm watching you." Dad says to Michael and then carries on walking into the house.

"Your dad is terrifying." Michael whispers to me and I giggle.

We all sit in the living room, Michael and I on the couch with a gap between us.

"Do you take sugar and milk in your coffee, Michael?" Mom asks.

"Just milk please, Mrs Gillies." Michael smiles.

"Of course." Mom nods and walks to the kitchen.

My dad sits on the couch opposite us, staring at Michael.

"Dad, can you please relax a little? We're not gonna start going at it right here on the couch." I joke.

"Classy." Michael mutters.

"Sex is not funny, Elizabeth." Dad says, still not taking his eyes off of Michael.

"No, you're right. Sex is serious. Totally unfunny business between two people." I roll my eyes.

Mizabeth A-Z OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now