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Liz's POV
I'm stood in the closet trying to tidy up. Michael walks in.

"So the cleaning is going well." Michael smirks, looking around the messy closet.

"It's your fault. If we just threw out all of your clothes then there would be more space for my clothes, and we wouldn't have a problem anymore." I say and he laughs.

"Speaking of more space..." Michael holds his hands on my waist.

"More space?" I ask confused.

"I've been meaning to ask you this question for a while now. And I want you to know that whatever the answer is, I am here for you, Liz." Michael says.

"You're kinda freaking me out, to be honest." I say quietly.

"Are you pregnant?" Michael asks after taking a deep breath.

"What?" I blink at him.

"Are you pregnant?" Michael repeats.

"Sorry, what?" I ask again.

"Liz, it's okay! You can tell me the truth." Michael says.

"Michael, I'm not pregnant." I tell him.

"Are you sure?" Michael asks.

"Yes I'm sure! Why are you asking me?" I ask.

"I just wondered. I thought you might be." Michael says.

"Why? What has made you think that I could be pregnant?" I ask.

"Well, umm, look I really don't want you to take this the wrong way... and I only thought so because..." Michael trails off, and I catch him looking at my stomach.

"You think there's a bump, don't you." I say quickly.

"Not now." Michael murmurs.

"Say it. Go on." I raise my eyebrows.

"I thought you had a bump." Michael admits, unable to look me in the eyes.

"You asshole! Get out!" I yell.

"A small bump! I only thought it was a really small bump! Tiny, even!" Michael rambles.

"I said get out!" I yell, throwing a pair of sweatpants at him.

"But I-"


Michael walks out and I slam the closet door behind him.


I manage to tidy the entire closet and it helps to clear my head a little. Slowly, I walk out of the closet and then downstairs.

Otis runs up to me and jumps at my legs.

"Hi baby." I smile, picking him up and kissing his head.

I set him back on the floor and I walk down to the basement with Otis following me. Michael is in the movie room.

"Oh, hi." Michael says when he sees me and turns off the TV.

"Hi." I say quietly, straddling him to sit on his lap where he's sitting on the large bean bag.

"Listen, Liz, I'm sorry about what I said. It was totally inappropriate." Michael apologises.

"Your comment really hurt me, Michael." I admit.

"I know it did. I didn't say it to personally attack you, I was genuinely just curious. You know that I love you and your body and little changes don't bother me, babe." Michael says softly.

"Do you mean that?" I ask.

"Of course I do. And your imperfections make you who you are, and I love those parts the most." Michael smiles.

I lean down and kiss him.

"Tell me more." I say shyly and he laughs.

"Well, I know that you don't like the tops of your thighs." Michael says, lightly stroking from my knee to my thigh and back again.

"That's right." I mutter.

"But I do." Michael smiles.

"Don't lie." I warn him.

"I'm not." Michael kisses me.

"Hmm. I bet you don't love this." I lift my sweater and point to the scar on my lower stomach. "I hate it."

"But babe you had to have your appendix removed so you wouldn't get sick." Michael says.

"Yes, but it left this nasty scar." I point out.

"Liz, it's so light. You can barely see it unless you're staring and to be honest, I think you're the only person who cares about it." Michael chuckles.

"You don't mind it?" I ask, a bit shocked.

"Not at all, it's a part of your body, and like I said, I love your body. That implies all of it." Michael grins.

"It's an ugly part of my body." I murmur.

"Hey, I don't want to hear that word come from your mouth again, understand me? You are not ugly. Nothing about you is ugly. Ugly is a word reserved only for blobfish." Michael rambles and I laugh.

"Harsh." I comment.

"Are you a blobfish?" Michael asks.


"Exactly." Michael says. "I love you."

"Even these?" I ask, holding my own hands on my hips.

"Especially those." Michael smiles, gently squeezing my hips.

"You're lying." I shake my head.

"Nope." Michael says confidently.

"There must be something you don't like about my body." I say.

"I'll say it again, and I will keep saying it forever, I love all of you." Michael kisses me softly.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Is there something you don't like about my body?" Michael asks me.

"No, of course not. You're my husband and I love everything about you." I say and Michael laughs.

"Exactly. You're my wife and I love everything about you." Michael smiles.

"Yeah? What about this 'bump'?" I challenge, lifting my sweatshirt.

"Just means there's more of you to love." Michael holds his hands on my stomach and I smile.

"Thank you." I whisper.

"I love all of you, Liz." Michael smiles.

"I love all of you, Michael." I smile.

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