chapter 1: AN INSOMNIAC

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'How am I supposed to live like this?' Lorrie repeatedly asked herself, sitting on the bed with her arms wrapped around herself and each time she said it, her eyes squinted even more and she wailed even louder. 'How can Dave leave me? Did he not think of the three children he'd leave behind in pain?' There were all sorts of questions, but no one to answer. It was 4am, 14th April 1993 and like all other nights, she wished for nothing more than her husband being alive and safe.

Habitually, Lorrie woke up at 7 am and went to her daughters rooms and one by one woke them up with her angelic tone and after caressing them with her motherly touch. She went to the kitchen, yawning and blinking her swollen eyes to adjust the sudden beam of the warm sunlight that stroke her eyes.

On the breakfast table, the two teens Sarah and Jessica whispered about something and then there was utter silence in the room, like no one was present there. 'Mom, what's happened to your eyes, you look like that panda in my story book' said Zoey, the youngest of all the siblings. Hearing this, Lorrie gave a tired smile and gently tousled her short hair. Later, all the girls kissed their mom goodbye as they headed to school.

Lorrie believed that she should find a job to keep her distracted from all the stress and keep the house running. She couldn't have thought that such a day would come, even in her wildest dreams because Dave had once said 'You are mine, will be mine and will stay mine till eternity'. The thought of this gave her heart a sudden jerk and she felt her blood rushing down her face while her heart raced faster than the speed of light. 'I want to die'.

*AN: Hey guys, this is my first ever story and I really hope you guys like it! all kinds of compliments and critics welcomed. :) xx*

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