Second Chance [Fourteen]

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So, it's back! ^_^  Though it was only but a handful of people who convinced me to keep going, I'm still glad that they did and I'm doing this for them!! Thanks my little kitties! ___________________________________________________________

I've spent the past week at home, just hanging out with my brother, Monna, and the guys that lived down the hall. I haven’t been able to remember much, which irritated the hell out of me. There is so much about myself that I didn’t know and that depressed me.

The first two days after we moved in, I stayed in my room most of the time. I wasn‘t in the mood to talk to anyone; I wanted to remember everything so badly and would spend countless hours either staring at the ceiling or at the photo I had of my mother. The only thing that this brought me were headaches. Henry finally got fed up, and got a hold of Monna.

When I first laid eyes on the dirty blond and light brown eyed girl standing outside my door, I felt this surge of happiness and excitement run through me. I smiled at her and she threw her arms around my neck and cried on my shoulder. I began to cry with her,  making my brother feel uncomfortable, lucky for him the guys came in just in time and took him away to the game room, leaving me and Monna in the living room. We spent most of the day talking, well she did most of the talking, telling me stories about the things we had been through together. Listening to her go on and on about our past, made me feel better about learning things about us.  

“I'm so happy your back and okay. I have missed you so much!” She cried once again.

“I know, you've said it so many times. I lost count at 50.” I said which caused her to punch me and laugh.

  “I'm glad your still yourself,” She said smiling sincerely.

“Me too,” I smiled at her. 

“So who are the guys?” She asked as we got up and went into the kitchen. She opened the fridge and pulled out two water bottles.

“They live down the hall. They helped us move our things in here, that’s how I met Angelo and Irving. I met Riley the next day.” I said as I caught the bottle that Monna had thrown my way.

“Cool, so intro man.” she smiled as she pulled me up from the couch and pushed me towards the room they were pilled in.

“What?” I asked confused.

“Go and introduce me to them.”

“Don’t you have a boyfriend or something?” I asked teasing her. Monna froze and then smiled.

“No, I’m trying to find one actually.”

“Well they are 20 and 21, too old for us.” I said as we walked back to the game room.

“Hey Dawn!” Said Riley as he tackled me down.

“Riley, get off my sister before I kick your ass.” Henry said, not taking his eyes off the game he was playing with Irving.

“But she's comfy!” He said as he cuddled me.

“Riley.” Henry said sternly.

“Fine!” He said as he got up and pulled me up with him.

“Riley, you need to lose weight, your starting to get too heavy.” I said as grabbed Monna and pulled her to the couch. 

“AH!” Riley screeched. “No I’m not! Take it back!” he said as he pounced on me.

“NO! Help me!” I screamed as Riley began to tickle me. I saw Henry getting up and trying to pull Riley off of me. While Irving pulled Monna out of the way. 

“Riley, let her go,” I heard Henry said that repeatedly. 

“Not until she takes it back.”

“Why am- I going to-take-something- back when it’s true.” I tried to say, through my laughter.

“What is-Riley stop trying to kill Dawn!” I heard Angelo’s voice. Then I felt weight being lifted off of me.  “

Thanks guys. I thought I was really going to die there for a minute.” I said as I fixed my clothes, breathing heavily. I sat down properly on the couch, Monna sat back down next to me. Riley was on the bean bag glaring at me. I stuck my tongue out on him and he did the same.

“Dawn are you going to introduce your friend to us?” asked Irvin as he gave the controller to Riley, allowing Riley to play in his place. 

“Oh yeah, guys this is Monna, my best friend and Monna these are Irvin, Riley, and Angelo.” I pointed out the guys. Monna waved and smiled at them. 

They hit it off pretty well. We were smiling and laughing as if we were life time friends. It made me feel happy to have these people here and to be able to remember these moments. We played games to pass the time and talked about the most random things. Riley and Irvin even got into an argument on whether Coke or Pepsi was better. I just watched and laughed how the argument went on and on. It was stupid argument, but it was hilarious to watch them bicker.

But the day came to an end, like most things in life. We had been watching a movie when Monna announced that she had to be getting home. I followed her to the door and said my goodbyes, though I didn’t want to let go of her yet. She assured me she would be coming as soon as she could to hang out. After she left, I went back to watching the movie with the guys. I sat down between Henry and Angelo. I laid my head on my brothers shoulder and just stared at the screen, not really watching the scene that was being played out, but thinking about everything that had gone in my life so far.

I thought about Monna, my brother, and the guys. I felt lucky to have them. Though I only knew the guys for a short while, I had the feeling that we were going to be close friends. The way they cared and understood me really seemed to prove that point to me. Henry had mentioned that I wasn’t the type of person to trust people soon after meeting them, and said that he has always trusted my judgment when it came to people. 

“Okay guys, time to hit the sack, so get the hell out of here.” Henry said as he got up to turned on the lights. He looked around and saw that both Angelo and Irvin had fallen asleep. “I guess you guys will be staying over.” 

“Yep, unless you want to help me carry them to our apartment?” Riley smiled at Henry.

“No, thanks.” he said as he walked towards the couch. “Riley help me lay them down and Dawn get some sheets from the hallway closet.” I nodded and went out to get the sheets for the sleeping boys. I stepped into the room and placed the sheets over Angelo. Then over Irvin who had fallen asleep on the bean bag. “Riley you could sleep in the living room on the pullout cough.”

“Really?!” He ran out of the room and into the living room. “I didn’t know you guys had this. I always wanted to have one.” He said enthusiastically as he took off the pillows off the couch. Henry went ahead and pulled out the bed and I went to get more sheets from the closet and to give them to Riley.

“Night Ry.” My brother said as he walked to his room. 

“Goodnight Riley.” I said as I followed my brother.

“Hey! Wait you guys, I wanted to ask you something.” he said as he got up.

“What is it?”

  “Well….am I really fat?” he looked up at us with a serious look. Henry and I couldn’t help but laugh. We walked towards our room with out answering his question.

I stepped into my room and closed the door, locking it. I then heard Riley state, “You guys are not cool.” I laughed and got my pjs out to change. Once my head landed on the pillow I felt my eyes grow heavy.

Remembering what happened that day made smile all the time. It was the first time I felt like I had a family, though we weren’t blood related; I still consider them family. 

Now I am on my way to school. Its my first day back in weeks. Monna said the teachers were going to go easy on me but since it is my senior year and have been gone for weeks, I had fallen behind. I really didn’t want to go, I wanted to stay home and live my days hanging around with my friends, my family.

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