Second Chance [Twenty-Four]

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         I kept hearing a soft melody all around me. I was only able to tell it was someone humming the tune when they paused to breathe. It was done so beautifully. I was entranced by the sound. It calmed me and made me feel safe; it felt like home.

     “Dawn,” I heard my name being whispered, when the humming stopped.

I froze, not knowing what to do, didn’t recognize the voice either. I didn’t know who it could be and it scared me. The melody picked up once more and as before, began to calm me. I felt myself relax once more.

“Don’t be scared princess, I’m not going to hurt you,” they whispered. My heart picked up. It wasn’t because I was afraid of the voice, but because I knew that voice. I didn’t know how I knew, but I felt like I did.  “I will never hurt you, princess.”

There was a lump in my throat that made it hard to swallow; water began to build up in my eyes at same instant. I felt the walls that I have tried so hard to keep up, lowered. The whole situation was confusing and made me feel weak, vulnerable. I didn’t know whether I should keep quiet or speak up.

“I know you’re scared, baby. There is no need to be scared,” They whispered once more. By the sound of their voice I could tell that they were much closer than I thought. “Open your eyes.”

That small command sent my heart into over-drive. I was afraid of opening my eyes, scared that everything would just turn out to be something completely different than what I felt.

“Dawn, I’m not leaving until I talk to you, so just open your eyes and get this over with,” I could tell  the voice was feminine by the way they giggled. I was still hesitant in opening them, I felt like I would be let down for some reason. I wanted to hear her voice for a little while longer before opening my eyes.

“Can you please just open your eyes,” she said. I felt a something poke my side. I jumped, squealing as I covered myself from being attacked again. I looked around, wanting to curse out the person who dared poke me.

Suddenly my eyes locked with the person sitting next to me. She gazed back at me and it startled me. Her eyes were the same as my own and though her hair was longer than my own, shared the same dark brown tone. “Mom?” I whispered.

“Hey sweetheart,” she smiled. I felt my heart bursting in my chest. The tears now slide easily down my cheek. I wanted to scream with joy, I wanted to throw myself at her, so she could hold me once more. “I know you’re confused, but the fact that you know who I am makes me feel special,” she giggled once more.

     “I remember you from the picture I have,” I whispered. I couldn’t seem to be able to speak louder. There were too many things running through my mind. “There’s also…” I trailed off not knowing how to explain what I feel.

“There’s what, baby?” she said as she pushed some of my hair my ear. The feel of her skin against mine sent my heart beating in my chest quickly once more.

“Are you talking about Kat?” At the sound of the name I had given the voice in my head, I sat up and turned to look at my mother.

     “How do you know about Kat?” I asked confused.

     “How can I not know?” She smiled, “I haven’t left your side since I died. I have always been watching over you and your brothers.” Her smile began to disappear as she kept gazing at me. “I just wish you would have told me of everything that was going on while I was still around,” she whispered. She suddenly took me into her arms and held me close. I didn’t mind, I wanted her to hold me as close as she possibly could.

     “I missed you so much,” I whispered into her chest as I held on to her. I didn’t want her to leave again. I wanted to stay this way for as long as I possibly could.

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