Chapter 1

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There she was, nearly 6 years later. Back in the dark, dreary city, sitting in the familiar car with the person who practically raised her for the first few years of her life. Marinette sighed as she thought about how she ended up back in the most crime-ridden city in the world, the place he kicked me out of, a small voice in her head supplied. Shaking her head she tried focusing on the present. That, however, proves a very difficult task when so much has changed, but that was a whole separate can of worms she didn't even want to think about opening. But kwami forbid if she was not gonna give him a hard time for this.

Though stuck in her thoughts, she noticed Alfred pulling up to the old manor grounds where she remembers wandering as a child.

Marinette knew very well why she was sent away. It was 'too dangerous' in Gotham City according to him. Yes, she was angry enough that his name made her growl but thinking about that was not gonna help 'cause if her magic went out of control, the whole place could go boom and she wanted a dramatic entrance, not an explosive one.

Alfred's POV

Glancing behind him to check on the girl he grew to see as a granddaughter. The smile faded when he caught sight of her lost in thought. The neutral expression on her face, the twinkle in her eyes dull compared to the bright shine that existed even the dull of Gotham. He knew the smiles and reassurances she offered him were fake, she was a whole different person compared to her old cheerful self. She had grown up and had seen how cruel the world was. Turning his attention back to the road, he silently passed through well-oiled iron gates leading up to the manor. Oh, how he sometimes wished the boys were as cooperative as Miss Bella was. Maybe they would have adjusted better if she stayed at the manor, Alfred thought. Even if he didn't show it, he was rather upset with Master Bruce for sending his own daughter halfway across the ocean with little to no warning. He had a strong feeling that it would've saved a lot of pain and suffering.

Wordlessly, he wondered what happened to her after she was sent away, not at all enjoying the impending sense of dread building. For Alfred knew that he, along with the others, were missing a major part in the story the research could reveal only so much of that trial was closed because she was a minor. Not even Master Tim and Miss Babs could override without alerting the system.


Isabella was pulled out of her thoughts when Alfred announced they had arrived. "Thanks, Grandpa Alfie".

So when she saw a rather large group of people lined up outside the manor doors, she internally scoffed and rolled her eyes.

Stepping out of the limo, she wanted to gag. It wasn't due to car sickness, though, being the guardian of 19 magical gods came with side effects. Jason had died reeked of Lazarus. The fact how Jason was alive, she would like Wayne to explain though. Thank kwami that the Justice League meeting gave her a heads up and helped her prepare for it (cue- ramble about to the kwamis and her friends). It just made her more mad towards Wayne. She knew how over-bearing the Pit's madness could be and with Wayne's temper? It was a wonder Jason hadn't killed him. That didn't change the fact that the stench of corrupt magic was making her nauseous. Isabella kept her emotionless mask in place, swiping her luggage away and sending Alfred a meaningful look when he reached to assist her with her bags. Glancing over the group of people, she instantly recognized Wayne, Dick, Jason. They had aged, but looked mostly the same. The others took slightly longer for her to pinpoint, but the next person she recognized was Tim. Ah, Red Robin. Next was a girl, Cassandra, her brain provided the silent Black Bat and finally, her eyes landed on a boy with dark hair, tan skin and green eyes. Damian. The current Robin. Next to him was a boy who looked suspiciously like Uncle Clark. Superboy.

Begin Again (sequel to Isabella Marinette Martha Wayne)Where stories live. Discover now