Chapter 5

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"What are your current policies on metahumans and magical users in Gotham?"

"Someone you know?" questioned Bruce, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and intrigue.

"Yep," Pixie chirped back, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Bruce began with his obnoxious voice, "We are not as strict as they used to be."

Pixie, muttered something suspiciously that sounded like a curse but not in the language of earth as Alfred would have said something. Sure he was fond of Pixie but nothing stopped the old-ever-vigilant butler from reprimanding on improper language.

Bruce, in response, raised his stupidly perfectly arched eyebrows that he attended salon sessions for and continued, "But we should know about them, and they should have their powers under check. It is also helpful if we know exactly how dangerous their powers can be."

"Hmm," Pixie hummed thoughtfully, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she glanced around the room.

She turned to Demonspawn and asked, "Got your camera ready, Damian?"

Jason, along with his brothers, quickly pulled out their cameras, and Jason swore he saw Alfred tap his phone, which was sitting on a stand by the countertop. Bruce, to his credit, managed to look both confused and slightly intrigued at the same time.

Pixie hummed a catchy little tune, and to Jason's astonishment, he saw Bruce making a funny expression. His sentiment was clearly shared by everyone else at the table, except for Bruce and Pixie.

Bruce then turned to Damien and, with a solemn voice, said, "My son, I know I don't say this often enough, but I have always been proud of you."

Jason raised an eyebrow in disbelief while the Demonspawn looked genuinely concerned. "Father, are you feeling well?"

Bruce, seemingly ignoring the question, turned to Timers, who was still trying to recover from his previous statement and said, "Tim, you saved me from my worst and are the reason Wayne Enterprises is flourishing. Thank you."

Timers, still trying to regain his composure, couldn't help but spit out the coffee he was unholy worshiping moments back.
Then, Bruce turned to Jason and said, "Jason, I am sorry I never avenged you. After breakfast, we'll start on the plan to physically harm Joker to ensure he doesn't carry out his villainous activities anymore."

Jason blurted out, "WTF". Even Alfred was too astonished to reprimand him.

Bruce, undeterred, turned to Dickhead and said, "Thank you, Dick, for being the level-headed one when I was a dick."

The level of surprise and amusement reached new heights, surpassing even some of the frankly weird stuff they had encountered as a family of vigilantes.

Finally, Bruce turned to Alfred and said, "Thank you, Alfred, for putting up with me. I always saw you as my mentor."

Jason felt the amount of things in the world that could surprise him reduce very, very notably, as he watched the family's breakfast unfold in all its bizarre glory.

He saw Bruce's face slide off his neck? Only to see another Bruce's face behind it. The first face floated beside the second face for a while before going PooF!... and so did any semblance of civility they had.

Chaos reigned before Pixie shouted. "OK! SHUT IT!"

As the chattering abruptly closed Pixie continued.

"You saw I have magic."

He would have never believed that Bruce did a handstand and a split at the same time had he not seen it with his own eyes. Tim laughed out a strangled laugh which was borderline maniac. Did he see Bruce 2? Whatever that was, go poof.

"Talk amongst yourselves. Whatever questions you have get them printed out on a nice sheet of proper paper. I'll be back for dinner and answer them. Spoiler Alert most of the answers will be classified. So bye !"

With that Pixie poofed out leaving them dumb-struck.

He swore that nothing would have stopped the broody bat from typing off a list but today was a compulsory Justice League training session required to attend by all members, honorary or not and associates. He could feel his headache coming on with Bruce .

They placed on their uniforms with a slightly excited aura which was dampened by... honestly... all the variables in the situation.

They arrived at the Watchtower via Zeta Beam only to find it brimming with heroes... some who were anti heroes at times including himself.

Heading towards the training room, they could hear sounds of intense combat, indicating that many were getting their butts handed to them in sparring sessions.

As the whole bat clan stepped in expecting to see maybe Wonder Woman or Black Canary only to see a black clad figure dancing out using martial arts, honestly he didn't think anyone in the Bat Clan knew judging by their... frankly vibrant expressions.

As soon as they were noticed, Boy Scout Sr. stopped pounding Green Lantern's shield sparring and let out a whistle.

"As we always do we request anyone to share a particular skill that most of the people here can learn."

Lady Miracle raised her hand. "I can do that. How many people here can survive in space and want to smash stuff?" he announced.

He thought it was concerning the significant number of hands and at what speed they shot up. but with all the emotional baggage that comes with being a hero, breaking stuff is honestly the least destructive wait they can go forward.

Lady Miracle gave a cheshire grin.

"Everyone suit up! really are going to Noirdya Galaxy!"

Green Lantern raised an eyebrow.

"The abandoned clearly 2 million light years away Galaxy?"

"I can portal, you know." Lady Miracle responded. "And the fact that it's abandoned makes it perfect for smashing ."

Green Lantern shrugged his shoulders "Fair enough."

As they all suited up and those who couldn't breathe into space stepped into a shield bubble made by Green Lantern. Lady Miracle turned to one of her gods? Cosmic beings? right. Kwamis.

"You'll see I'm gonna break my record."

"What exactly is this record?" Superman asked.

"How long I can survive without a suit. based solely on the dragon's powers which I have outside of suit. I often use this Galaxy for magical experimental purposes."

no one wanted to question her after all they all had their... quirks.

As they passed through the portal Lady Miracle had opened they came across a vast space filled with smaller than earth planets.

He saw Lady Miracle say something by her lip movement, saw her flashing a bit before she stood in a T-shirt and some cargo pants similar to what Superboy once more although she did have a domino mask like the bats and the arrows'. and then she flew and... hugged the planet? To everyone's astonishment the planet slowly turned into ash. Then she flew to another planet and he saw... some purple sparkles? around her hands and then she punched another planet and broke it into big pieces. How powerful was this girl? Honestly this was her out of suit being what he assumed passively charged by these gods.

She looked towards everyone. "What are you waiting for?"

He saw people readying themselves to join in the celestial smashing, embracing the opportunity.

Begin Again (sequel to Isabella Marinette Martha Wayne)Where stories live. Discover now