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Sadistic!Baraka X Masochist!Female!Reader



Sensation Play




Erotic Asphyxiation

Blood Play

Impact play

Your pov

'Why must the Tarkatans live so far? This is more than I anticipated.' I mentally sighed as I began to approach a tribe. "Halt!" A Tarkatan shouted, blocking my path to entering their tribe.

"Who goes there!" The other shouted, blocking me as well.

"I'm here to speak with your highest ranking Tarkatan. Orders of the next Queen of Outworld." I simply told them, holding up a letter with Mileena's crest stamped on.

They looked at each other for a moment before allowing me to pass by. "Baraka has been awaiting your arrival." They bowed deeply as I passed them.

It took me a moment to navigate their home, looking for 'Baraka'. I finally arrived at a large tent, pushing the curtain aside and entering. I didn't get very far before something sharp was pressed against my skin. "Who goes there?" A gruff voice spoke, the object pressing further into my skin.

The pressure of the object sent shock waves of electricity down my spine, craving more of that feeling. "Down, boy." I taunted, holding the letter for him to see. "Or else this will be meaningless."

He stood quiet for a moment before the sharp object was pulled away from me, disappointing me slightly before I was shoved forward. "Sit." Was all he said, pointing to a chair as he sat in one directly across from it.

"You're Baraka I take it?" I hummed, legs crossed over one another as I rested my head in my hand.

He gave no answer as he ripped open the letter with one of his claws, making me squirm in my chair slightly. As he read it over, I took in his features. His many sharp teeth, his dagger-like claws, the way his muscles would flex or tense when he read over the letter, even just the thought of how easily he could rip me apart. Something about him was so... enticing. "What is this?" He growled, throwing the letter aside. "Mileena would never want to kill her own father."

"She didn't... before she was told how badly everyone has been treated under Shao Khan's rule. Especially you all. Her... half blood family." I chuckled as he glared down at me. "She knows her father has been starving you all. So she sent you a gift."

"Gift?" He tilted his head, curious.

"Mhmm. Me." I hummed at his expression.

"You?" He threw his head back in laughter. "What can you possibly do?"

"I'm sure you've heard stories of a tribe called 'Immortius', no?" He nodded, wondering what I was getting at. "I am one of their scarce members. Unable to die. Forced to walk the realms for eons."

"What of it?" I could tell he was getting impatient, wanting me to get to my point.

"Have a bite." I held out my arm towards him, the smile on my face growing. "Savor it."

His eyes shifted from my eyes to my arm, almost salivating at the thought of sinking his teeth into my flesh. I rose from my seat, sitting on the arm rest of his chair; my legs across his lap. "Eat. I know you're starving." I toyed with him, the back of my hand caressing his cheek.

A low growl escaped him before he grabbed my wrists tightly, ripping off a large chunk of my flesh before swallowing it. I suppressed a moan, allowing him to enjoy a meal he hasn't had in some time. All that was left of my arm was bone as the flesh slowly began to repair itself. "Too long." He growled at how slowly my arm was healing, sinking his teeth into the crevice between my neck and shoulder.

I wasn't able to hold this moan in, gripping his shoulders tightly with my uneaten arm. "Do you enjoy being a meal?" He questioned, his long tongue shoved into my neck wound; toying with the exposed muscle and blood vessels.

I gasped at the feeling, shakily nodding a 'yes' to his question. His large hand wrapped around my throat, squeezing it tightly. "Speak when you're spoken to, meal." He growled, squeezing tighter.

"Yes!" I gasped, struggling for breath as more pleasure surrounded me. "Eat me until you're full..." I wheezed out, vision slowly leaving me.

I was brought back to reality due to a harsh slap to the face. "Since you can't die, maybe I'll have some fun with you." I couldn't tell if he was smiling or not, but the thought quickly left me as I was slammed into the rough sand at our feet.

Large bone-like blades extended from his forearms, digging into my torso as the clothes I wore were being cut off. Blood left the wounds he made, sinking into the sand. He lapped up the blood from the large gash down my torso, not allowing anymore of it to spill if it wasn't in his mouth. My breath was shaky as he continued leaving cuts along my body, drinking the crimson liquid from my body. I've only ever imagined being handled so roughly and now that it was happening, my mind was blank with pleasure.

My body heating up with anticipation for what he would do to me next. The more he leaned into me, eating what he could, the more I could feel his growing erection against my needy sex. The tunic that covered his more intimate parts were quickly discarded, his large member rubbing against my wet folds. "Needy piece of meat." He spat in my face, his member being shoved deep inside of me.

A loud moan escaped, the feeling of pain and pleasure mixing into one. He gave me no time to adjust to his size before he slammed himself into me over and over. Tears of pleasure trailed down my face, being overwhelmed with ecstasy. One of his large hands covered my mouth, muffling my moans. The other held my waist, keeping me in place as he continued to shove his cock deep inside me. The bone-like blade from his forearm extends horizontally through my mid section, being thrusted into me just like his cock.

His other hand traveled down to my throat, squeezing it tightly; yet, not so much I would lose consciousness. I held the forearm of the hand that was choking me, silently begging for more pain. His face grew closer to mine, his breath against me as he panted. His tongue dragged up the side of my face before he shoved it into my mouth. More muffled moans left me as my tongue pressed against his.

The wet, warm pleasure of his tongue against mine felt too sweet with how rough he was fucking me. My suspicions were right as he bit off my tongue, quickly swallowing it. Blood poured out of my mouth and onto my chest, the warm metallic taste filling my mouth. His tongue was shoved back into my mouth as he slammed into me harder. Loud, muffled moans left me as he continued to hit a spot that felt almost too good to experience.

I clung to his firm body, finally having my release and being overcome with euphoria. My body twitched as he continued to use me, my orgasm being prolonged. The blade that was being thrusted into my mid section was roughly pulled out, more blood squirting onto the sand. He released my throat, allowing me to breathe. His nails due into my hips as he held me down, thrusting into me faster. With a loud groan, his cock was buried deep inside me as he filled me to the brim with his seed.

Once we both were able to breathe normally, he slowly took his cock out; twitching slightly at the feeling. We were both a mess with blood and semen coating us, sand sticking to our sweaty bodies. "You will be adorned among the Tarkatans..." His tongue dragged against the blood still on my face from when he ate my tongue, cleaning it slightly.

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