3. Sleepover (?)

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"I'll do it. Just don't make it weird." I say before leaning towards Theodosia who had gotten herself calmed down from laughing so hard. Our faces were inches apart and our breaths mingled together. I could almost feel her warm breath on mine. I looked into her eyes and I swear they sparkled. I was sure of it. Her eyes looked like they belonged in a painting of an ancient Greek goddess. As soon as our lips touched, all rational thought vanished from my mind. All thoughts but hers. Everything except the girl in front of me. When we finally pulled away, I didn't stop staring at her. She blushed, probably thinking I was checking her out, so I quickly looked away from her. I'm such an idiot! Frances started cheering and applauding. "You did it!" She yelled.
I turned my head to meet her eyes once more and we smiled.

After she got through congratulating us on doing that stupid dare, we continue to play for a few minutes, then go upstairs to Frances' room. I plop down on the bed and look around. The walls are covered in posters from bands, movies, tv shows, and music videos. Some of the pictures have little stars taped underneath them. One picture in particular sticks out from the others. It's a picture of my favorite band, Queen.

"I like your room" Theodosia says. She's sitting cross legged on her beanbag chair near the window. I loonk at Theo old picture of us on her mirror. Its was a picture of Theo, Frances, Georges, and Angie. We were all 5, Angie was 3.

"We should have a sleepover!" Frances announces loudly. "That'd be fun!" Theodosia agrees. I nod in agreement.

~at night~

Everybody's at France's house staying the night. France is making tik tokes, Angie is Torturing Georges' hair, And Theo and I are chilling in the guest bedroom.

"Hey Phil.."


"I Have a question for you."

"Ask away"

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

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