Chapter 9 spice the night

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We're currently at the gas station,freen's busy with her phone while the guard in the front seat is not paying attention,my door is unlocked now i got the chance to can i run to this gown and this collar...i then rested my head at the window as i saw another car beside us...should i sign for help?

Uhm...khun freen?i said as she just looked at me
Oh uhm uh-
Dont stutter.
Is this car tinted-
Yes sound proof aswell,why your looking for a way to escape hm.she said and turned back to her phone

*tap tap*
Someone tapped into my window as i looked at freen

Open the window.she said and pulled me closer to her while the driver opens the window
Speak and your dead.she said as i saw and felt the gun pointed behind me

Hi good evening i just want to ask where is the nearest hotel in here?the women asked
You'll see an hotel near the all mall,there's an sign.freen replied
Alright thankyou!by the way,is today your wedding?she asked
Yes we were just about to go home.freen said and smiled
Oh im sorry to bother you both!have an great night and congratulations!she said as then window closed and freen finally let go of me as i take out an big sigh of relief
What's taking so long?
Its already done maam,we will now leave.he said and drove away

We arrived a few minutes ago while khun freen told me to take a bath in her room

I was finally finished and got out of the bathroom while wearing bath robe as i saw her sitting in her chair looking at me...i can feel her staring at my body....
Uhm miss-khun freen can i please get out now so i could wear my clothes.i asked
No sit on the bed.she said as my heart started pounding so loud
I then sat on her bed and tried my best to tighten my robe as she started walking to me
Take off your robe.
Khun freen,please give me time-
Look at me when your talking.she said and raised my head
Isnt 3 days not enough?
Im sorry-
Lets play a game,to spice the night.she said and ate an chocolate as she leaned closer to me

Our lips touched as i feel her knees between my thighs while her hand is caressing my cheeks while the others slowly removing my robe
She then slid me the chocolate as she started playing with it with her tongue she then started going down ti my meck and giving me love marks and slowly leaning me....
W-wait no...i cant-
Speak no more.she said and leaned in my lips as i feel her hands slowly caressing my thighs and slowly going up as went on top of me and pinned me in the bed

{knock knock}
~mistress,khun heng is here~the maid said as she
Look Pissed and stand up
Just bit,damn heng.he said and left as she slammed the door
I then hurriedly fixed my robe and hair as i stand uo from the bed and walked into the door as i tried to open it...
Its locked...please let this night pass normally and fastly!!
Thirsty....i then looked for an water as i saw an bottle of whiskey at the table
Heavenly water?.....whisky...this could help...i then drank a glass of it as the thirst begun to fade as i sat on the bed

Freen's pov
Yes your ruined my night!just a little bit more then you bothered!
So your planning to make her your house wife now-
Yes,i am,my personal maid,sex slave and a wife.
I beg your pardon?sex slave?
Mhm,dont question my decision,is that all we need to talk about!?
Yea yea,im leaving now!he said and immediately left as i walk back into my room to finish what i started.

I entered the room and saw her laying in the side of the bed as i saw my glass with whiskey,did this girl drink?hm she already passed out?i then fixed her position and cover her with an blanket,this girl!still wearing her bath robe!i then lied infront of her an admired her....what are you?how did you make my ice cold heart....melt....your really are...different...i then gave her an kiss in the forehead and hugged her as i did not realized i fell asleep...

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