Chapter 15 truth hurts

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So happy for you bec!im glad miss sarocha was just threatening us we were so scared for our lives that tome until she explained what's going to happened,and!im the happiest guest right now!!i an honor to be one of your brides maid!!She said and smiled while doing my hair
There,all look...absolutely beautiful.she said and smiled
Thankyou so much nam...sadly khunya wouldnt be able to watch this moment....i said as nam hugged me
Im sure she's happy seeing you getting married...for real.she said and broke the hug
Come now and wear your wedding gown.she said as i stand up and followed her

Im now walking down the aisle on my way to reach my lovers hands....

She then held my hands as we both stand infront of the preacher
Do you freen chankimha accept the rebecca armstrong to be your lawfully wedded wife?
I do.
Do you rebecca armstrong accept the freen chankimha to be your lawfully wedded wife?
I do.
Stop this nonsense now!!!!!everyone gasped as freen and I turned to look at the man
You dare to interrupt this event,call the security!
I cant let you ruin another life chankimha!you already ruined mine!but dont ruin hers!miss rebecca,she knows who killed your grandmother!she was there when she was killed!!!the security then took him out as i looked at freen with terror...
You knew dint you?i asked as my voice started to crack
Y-you knew this...this whole time!? monster!!!!!you fucking monster!!!!!i yelled and slapped her as i felt my legs starting to get weaker and weaker as nam walked to us
Y-you monster!fucking monster!i-i hate you i hate you you fucking animal!!!i yelled as my tears burst out
No no no!dont touch me!dont go near me!
Bec lets go-
Go where?
You dont care where i want to go,im not your slave!i said and left with nam as the security
Get out of the way.i said and turned to freen
Send her home.she said and walked to us as the guards forced me to follow them

I arrived home and immediately went up to our room
Haa~~haa~~haa~i was breathing heavily when i get to the room and removed my gown... sorry...
The door suddenly opened and it was freen
No no no stay away!i said as she move closer to me as i turned around as she hugged me from behind
Let go of me freen!!i said trying to hold my tears while trying to get out of her arms
Becca please calm down!
Calm down!???!!yo-you knew!!you knew everything!
If you love me!you wouldnt let me suffer with this feeling when my grandmother died!My heart hurts was stabbed in a million piece when she died!I thought youll be the one to help me...but only made it more worst!!!Maybe!maybe your the one who also killed her or whatever!!but i can never look at you the same as before!i said and successfully got out of her arms
I dont know what to say anymore!
Beck,i know your very hurt but you know how much i love you and i dont want you to suffer when you found out about it!
Truth hurts freen!if you told me sooner well we would have been married by now!but no,you made it worst!stay the hell away from me!!i said and threw her some things

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