Chapter 1: Whispers of the Past

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An H20: Just add water story

by WhispersOfNikki

Rikki and Zane had once been best friends. They shared laughter, secrets, and a special bond that seemed unbreakable by that time. But fate had a different plan for them...

It all started when Rikki was four and Zane was five. They would spend endless hours together, exploring everything that caught their eye and making memories of childhood. Their favorite place in the world was Mako Island, a forbidden place that held a huge secret. Hidden from everybody's eyes, they would sing there, their voices blending in like a sweet harmony.

Music became their shared language, they played their souls out with each improvised melody. They poured their emotions into the songs, their young hearts free from any parents and worries.

However, their ideal friendship took an unexpected turn when their fathers' hate grew. The once-communicative families fell silent, forcing Rikki and Zane to sever their connection. They were forbidden to see each other, and their innocent world shattered.

Years passed, and the friendship between Rikki and Zane was but a distant bad memory. They grew apart, their paths were so distant now, and bitterness replaced the friendship they once shared. The pain of separation still burned in their hearts, a constant reminder of what they had lost.

But destiny had another way of coming in their lives once more. When Rikki turned seven, a night of full moon revealed the island's secret. Drawn by an unknown force, she found herself standing at the edge of the moon pool, the sparkle surface reflecting her hopes and dreams.

In a moment of pure chance, or perhaps fate, Rikki lost her balance and fell into the pool. The water embraced her as it triggered a magical transformation. She emerged, no longer a mere mortal but a sparkle mermaid with a newfound power.

It was Zane who was with her in this gift of life, his eyes widening in disbelief. He became the keeper of her secret, the only one who knew about Rikki being a mermaid. Despite their differences, a spark of their connection remained untouchable.

Their paths continued to diverge, their friendship remained hidden beneath layers of secrecy. At school, they pretended to be enemies, their classmates none the wiser to the whispers of their shared past.

Rikki, now surrounded by her three closest friends Cleo and Emma, whom she kept her mermaid secret from. Only Bella, who had also experienced the magic of the moon pool,has been a mermaid herself since she was 9 years old.

Meanwhile, Zane found fun in the company of his three mates, Will, Asher, and Nate. They knew nothing of his past friendship with Rikki, their lives continued in different circles.

As the years went by, Rikki and Zane carried the echoes of their childhood songs within their hearts. Those melodies, once shared on Mako Island, had become whispers of a distant time. Yet, deep down, a flicker of longing remained, a silent hope that someday they would recover the harmony they had lost.

Author's Notes

This is the first chapter of my fanfiction called "Hey stranger..." from H2O: Just add water. As you saw it's about Zane and Rikki and in my story things are a bit different than the original but this is what fanfictions are about right? Leave me your thoughts in the reviews and I hope I'll see you soon reading the next chapter of this story.

I do not own any H2O: Just add water properties, nor do I make any money from writing of this story. Characters and situations, created by Cariba, Claire or Phoebe and all the actors, are taken from H2O: Just add water

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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