|| Chapter One || To Fall Behind is to Fail

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CW: Abuse, yelling, swearing

"Bakugou!" Aizawa yelled out in the otherwise silent classroom. "Pay attention."

The younger nodded, hiding his face in his arms, heat rushing up his neck and into his face and ears. He had been trying, he was just uncomfortable. It hurt to breathe and his mind was all clouded. Aizawa turned back to the blackboard, muttering to himself about problem children as he continued the lesson.

He couldn't help but notice, in the back of his mind at least, that there was a faint bruise on the boy's jaw. He wondered if the boy had had the same bruise last week, or if it was something he earned over the previous weekend, he was hesitant to ask but knew it must be done.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the day for everyone. The students were quickly packing their bags and Aizawa debated on holding the blonde-haired boy back for a moment, but when Kirishima caught up to the other, he could've sworn he caught a sign of relief wash over the blonde's face, but relief from what?

"Bakubro! Dude, I thought Aizawa was for sure going to give you detention today!" Kirishima admitted, walking in stride with his best friend. Bakugou just shrugged staying quiet. "You okay, man?"

"Hah?! What are you implying shitty hair?!" Bakugou fired back, dodging the question.

"Nothing, nothing, you're just awfully quiet today."


They continued walking in silence until they got to the train station where they went their separate ways, bidding each other goodbye.

Bakugou climbed off the train, his muscles taunt beneath his school uniform, he had to be prepared for anything.

"You're late, brat!" Mitsuki yelled out as Bakugou left his school bag by the door, slipping his shoes off.

"I got held up at school, Ma'am."

"Tch. Pathetic excuses!" Her hand swung out, catching the boy, her ring, slicing his cheek. He bit back a whimper. He couldn't let her see weakness.

"It won't happen again, Ma'am," he answered, keeping his eyes focused on the floor.

"Was anybody talking to you?!" Her hand caught his other cheek, backhanding him, and he flew backward, straight into the wall. "You're damn right it won't happen again! If it does I'm taking away your allowance and your privileges!"

Bakugou nodded, rising to his feet once more. Mitsuki said nothing as the other scurried away into the kitchen, quickly starting to make up food for his family.


Finally having finished making the food, Bakugou returned to the living area, his eyes resting on the floor as he stood before his mother.

"Speak," She commanded.

"Dinner is ready, Ma'am," Bakugou answered.

"Good," Mitsuki snarled, seeming to think something over for a moment. "No food for you tonight, and I don't want to see you for the rest of the evening."

Bakugou nodded, dropping into a low bow before grabbing his bag and scampering up the stairs, silently shutting his bedroom door behind himself. He pulled out his phone, the wound on his cheek had bled much, but it had clotted. He let out a small sigh. The injuries were getting harder to hide. He carefully wiped away the blood with a damp tissue, reopening the wound as he carefully placed a small bandage over it. The other side of his face had a nasty purple bruise starting to form on his cheekbone. He would need to cover it in the morning before he went to school.

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