|| Chapter Three: || To Adjust to Home

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When Bakugou woke the next morning he was slightly confused to say the least. It was 4:30am and the room he had awoken in was dark. He squinted, trying to get his eyes to adjust quicker. Newsflash, they didn't. He sighed as he rose to his feet. Looking down, he found that he was in clothes he didn't recognize much less had ever worn before. The T-shirt fell nearly to his knees and the pants were now tied at his waist, still too long and covering his feet. A familiar fuzzy feeling coated his brain. In these clothes he felt endlessly small. He let out a small sigh, pushing the feeling away.

His uniform was hanging on the back of the door, he discovered once he had turned on the light. Looking around, the room was unfamiliar and plain, he wished his brain would stop taking its sweet time to remember things as he changed his clothes. He finished up and headed out the door, quickly finding the kitchen. He made up a pot of coffee and set it to brew before looking through the cupboards and fridge, pulling out ingredients. He then washed his hands and started working on making food.

As he worked, the memories came back in bits and pieces. The morning before, making breakfast, the school day, then the parent teacher conference, but his mind blanked out a major part of it, he wondered what was wrong with him. Nearly halfway through his cooking he heard a door opening, he glanced at the clock it was only five-thirty. Shit had he made too much noise? He turned his attention back to the pan in front of himself, bracing for the yelling.

Instead, he was surprised when the voice and the hands that reached out to him were gentle and welcoming.

"Hey, kiddo, what are you doing up so early?" the voice asked quietly. Katsuki quickly turned, eyes widening, his homeroom teacher stood a few inches away, his hair long and tangled, a black T-shirt and black flannel pajama pants.

"Making breakfast?" He answered. "Where's my mom? Shouldn't she be getting ready? Am I missing something?" The questions spewed out like vomit, the seconds ticking by, the hole in his memory feeding into his worry. Aizawa let out a soft sigh, embracing the boy in a gentle hug.

"Do you remember anything that happened yesterday?" Aizawa inquired softly. Bakugou nodded, pulling away from the warm embrace.

"I made breakfast, went to school and then parent teacher conferences, everything is gone after that," Bakugou answers.

"Do you want to know the rest of what happened?"

"Was it bad? Did she fire off again? I'm sorry, she does that every year."

"Katsuki," Aizawa started, Bakugou froze eyes widened, the name seemed foreign to his ears. "Yesterday, your mom tried to strike you while we were in conferences."

Bakugou let out a small breath of air, turning the burner off as he braced himself against the counter, the memories rushing back. Tears welled up in his eyes, hot and heavy, and angry? Why? Why angry? She had hurt him for so long, so why was he mad she finally got what she deserved? Warm arms wrapped around him, pulling him into their embrace, his sobs muffled against his teacher's chest. Gentle words fell upon his ears, his mind racing.


Once Katsuki's sobs had died down, reducing themselves to sniffles, Aizawa had him sit down. He wanted to talk with Bakugou about the proceedings from here.

"The school contacted the government, they couldn't find any other relatives, is there a trusted family friend who could take you in?" Aizawa asks. Katsuki shakes his head. The older lets out a small breath, seeming to go over something in his brain. "You could- . . . you could stay with me if you like."

Bakugou's head shot up, new tears welled up in his eyes. Was his teacher just saying that or did he mean it? He slowly nodded, his mind spinning, he unconsciously reached out, his hand grasping onto the older's shirt, bunching it tight in his fist. Aizawa cast a sideways glance at the teen, offering a gentle smile. "I'm being serious, I promise, kiddo."

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