Fixing Ourselves

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I begged Taehyung to tell me where Y/N went but he couldn't because she kept him in the dark too. He only had her new phone number which he refused to give me. It was his only connection to her and he was afraid that if he gave it to me and she found out, she'd just get a new number and we'd both lose connection with her. I hired investigators to search for her but so far no one has had any luck. It took some time but eventually a fan posted about meeting her on social media. They'd met in a small town in Ireland. My investigators went there but again turned up nothing except for an autograph she'd signed for a local restaurant.

However while collaborating with an American producer on a new song, I discovered another lead. Having heard that I was friends with Y/N (I don't think he knew we dated), this producer happily mentioned that his cousin, a vocal coach in London, took Y/N on as a new student. I pretended to know all about it in order to get as many details as possible. As soon as I finished work in New York, I hopped on a plane to London. The company wasn't too happy I shifted my schedule last minute, but I told them it was important. I didn't tell anyone what I was doing except that I needed a few days off for personal reasons.

I waited in a coffee shop across the street from where Y/N goes for her voice lessons. I arrived early because I didn't want to miss her arrival. The moment I saw her again after all these months, my first instinct was to run to her and pull her into my arms. It took every ounce of self-control to stay seated where I was. I had no idea how she would react at seeing me here. Her last words was that she loves me but her feelings could have changed since then. But seeing her now, she looked healthy and seemed happy. She was busy chatting away on the phone, at times her face lighting up in response to her conversation. She stood outside for a good ten minutes giving me the opportunity to observe. I wondered who she was talking to and if it was a new man in her life. It pained me to think someone else could be making her happy now. On the other hand, I'm glad if that meant she found happiness again. Maybe she doesn't need me anymore. Doubt crept into my head once more as I debated whether or not to approach her or leave quietly without her seeing me. I chose to stay and wait for her lesson to end. Then I followed her back to a small market where she picked up groceries before going home to her flat. Parked outside her home, I could see into her kitchen where she appeared to be making dinner.

I stalked her for days, shadowing her every movement. I reasoned that I was only making sure she was okay here all by herself. One day she led me to an orphanage just outside of London. I was curious as to why she chose to go there of all places. Was she adopting a child? Suddenly, I heard that melodious voice I've missed so much from an open window. I drew closer so that I could hear her better. Outside, there was a gardener tending to the lawn. When I asked him if he knew who was singing, he said she was the new music teacher. Was she here to compensate for the loss of her child by being around orphans who needed parents to love them? Whatever the reason for her being here, I hoped this was healing her in all the ways she needed. Hopefully, one day she'd be healed enough to come home. On the fifth day of following her, she finally discovered me. I was parked outside her home when someone knocked on the car window. It was a delivery man carrying take-out from Nando's.

"Hello sir, I have  your dinner."

"Hi, I think you have the wrong person? I didn't order any food?" I was perplexed at the whole exchange until he explained.

"The lady said you might say that. She said to tell you to hurry and bring the food inside because she's famished."

I chuckled and dug up some tip money to give him. I guess I wasn't as stealth as I thought. After locking up the car, I walked to her front door. She answered the doorbell with a polite smile and motioned for me to come inside.

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