Final push

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"You plan to end this huh, well then show me what you can do against my new power."

"Sasuke I'll distract him so you open a portal to Kaguya's dimension and let's fight him there."

"I was already going to do that no need to state the obvious loser."

"Yeah ok smartass" Naruto rushed towards Momoshiki dodging all his attacks that he threw towards him. Due to Momoshiki absorbing Kinshiki his power had greatly increased and he was able to keep up with Naruto's Taijutsu.

"Tuh, Huoh" as Naruto was engaged in an intense battle of Taijutsu with Momoshiki he noticed that Sasuke was nowhere to be found.

That idiot where did he go at a time like this and I don't see the portal either!

"Don't look so lost loser." Right when Naruto landed a hit on Momoshiki, Sasuke came in front of him and reverse kicked him behind Naruto and into the portal that was present there.

"Come we gotta follow him and make sure he doesn't leave from there."

"Yeah" They both jumped through the portal and landed into a snow covered area with nothing around except for rocks. The weather was extremely cold and it took them time to adjust to these harsh conditions.

Naruto looked around for Momoshiki and he spotted him just ahead of them pulling himself upwards from the ground.

"You damn insolent HUMANS!!!"

"We've had enough of your crying Momoshiki, this time there is no one to save you and over here we can finally show you our true power."

"I'm up first, time to show you one of my trump cards I told you about Naruto, SUSANO!!!" This time instead of the Susano forming around Sasuke as an avatar it became compressed around his body like an armour. The Susano covered his whole body including his face and it seemed indestructible as it had no gaps inside it to pierce through.

"Wow Sasuke when did you manage to reduce the size of your Susano to become your body armour?"

"I told you didn't I? While you were becoming soft and enjoying the peace that we had, I was out there getting stronger and learning new ways to improve my abilities."

"Hhn show off. Hey Kurama do we have something like that in our arsenal?"

"Just what do you think I am? I'm not just a power of yours that you can bend however you like Naruto, Sasuke is only able to do that because the Susano is an ability that manifests as easily as breathing to the Uchiha's."

"Please can you try to give me something like that?"

"Let me see what I can do."

"Yay, huh wait for me Sasuke!" Sasuke had already engaged with Momoshiki while Naruto was talking with Kurama as it only made sense to fight rather than listen to those two arguing.

This power, I can't hold it for too long as it's consuming my whole chakra just to keep this Susano in this small form but it should be enough for this fight.

All of Momoshiki's attacks that seemed heavy to take for Naruto became easy for Sasuke to ignore as the damage he took in this fight became close to zero. Thanks to the Susano's incredible defence and high attack power Sasuke was having minimum difficulty in this fight but he still wasn't able to end it because like him Momoshiki had a strong defence and an incredible attack power.

Where is that moron? Is he still arguing like a married couple with Kurama? Damn it Naruto!

"Don't look so lost loser." Sasuke turned his head to the side sightly to look at a head of a fox approaching him and Momoshiki. It was coming towards them at high speed, wait that's not a head it's Naruto surrounded by Kurama's head?

"Huh what is this nonsense Fox?!"

"Naruto you copied my technique!"

"No I didn't copy yours but rather I copied Guy sensei's dragon avatar that he used against Madara, pretty cool right?"

The fox head crashed into Momoshiki or rather it swallowed Momoshiki whole with Naruto also being inside it.

"Explode!!" Naruto quickly got out of the avatar and then exploded it with Momoshiki still inside.

"Tuh-ugoh" Momoshiki was barely able to stand up as that explosion burned half of his body and damaged it from the inside.

"Ugh, I- I'll end this in an instant." Momoshiki then started gathering the rocks around in a large pile until it formed a giant golem, he then used his lava technique that he possessed to strength the rocks and make them durable enough to withstand attacks.

"Guess I've got no choice." Sasuke released the Susano's body armour that he had been holding around him closely and tried fully forming his Susano in his avatar form.

"I won't let you Uchiha!!!" As Sasuke was about to unleash his Susano Momoshiki's golem grabbed him catching Sasuke off guard.

"UGHH" He was being burned by the lava that Momoshiki had formed around his golem.

Momoshiki tried throwing Sasuke's body to the ground in hopes of crushing him but someone came mid way and formed a protection around him.

"You ok Sasuke?" Sasuke opened his eyes to see his friend in front of him holding his body in his arms. He also felt his burns healing as they were inside Kurama's avatar which was healing him each second.

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry about me." Naruto left his friend to heal as he focused his entire attention on Momoshiki. Naruto was extremely anger at Momoshiki for hurting his friend and he wanted nothing more than to beat him down until he can't get up.

"That fox's power is mine"

"I won't let you!!" Naruto threw a punch towards Momoshiki's golem but it was blocked by him and then Momoshiki grabbed his kurama avatar by the neck and slammed him into the ground. 

"Tch." Naruto couldn't make his avatar move as Momoshiki had pinned him onto the ground.

"I'll lend you the Susano's power, let's defeat him." An armour had formed around the fox's avatar as Naruto felt the strength return back to him once again. He crushed the arm of the golem that was pinning him down and he got up again. Sasuke summoned his sword that the Susano possesses.

"COME FOX LET ME SHOW YOU MY POWER." Momoshiki used the other arm of the golem to swing towards Naruto and Sasuke's Kurama Susano avatar.



They dodged his swing and got under his arm then Sasuke used his sword to slice cleanly through Momoshiki's golem exploding it alongside Momoshiki who was inside it.

After the battle had ended they both released their avatars and landed on the ground.

"That was one hell of a fight no Sasuke?"

"Yeah you're right but it's not over, more of them will come one by one after they realize Momoshiki was defeated here."

"Yeah I know but for now let's go back to our families, to the village and enjoy some time together with our wives I bet they are worried sick right now."

"For once you said something intelligent."

Part 11 ends here:

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