Peace Maintained

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Sasuke's POV:

He had been waiting in agony for what seemed like eternity before she finally opened her eyes.

"S-s-Sasuke" She uttered his name weakly and he felt a sense of relief rush over him.

"I'm here, I'm right here Hinata." He reassured her of his presence, fearful that she might pass out again he held her hand and gave it a little squeeze. She responded to this action with a slight smile on her face.

Looking at her face he remembered their times together, the awkward blushes, the beautiful smiles she showed him and the look in her eyes that yearned for his company. Sasuke realized just how much these things meant to him when he saw her unconscious in this hospital for a few days straight without moving a muscle. Seeing his wife like that made him fall weak beyond anything he ever felt before and a fear of losing her had come over him, he never wanted to experience that feeling again. The silence in the room spoke more than words between the two lovers as he conveyed his feelings to her and she understood them while reassuring him that she isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

"MOM YOU'RE AWAKE!" Ayato had rushed into the room after he saw his mother awake even just barely while holding his father's hand as he gently caressed it. 

"Ayato not now you're mother isn't feeling too good, we shouldn't overwhelm her right now." His father told him off for being so loud and overhyped.

"But dad I want to talk with mom."

"You will son just later ok?" His face dropped into sadness after hearing what his father said, it's not fair he had waited just as much as his dad for his mom to wake up so why does he only get to be in this room.

"Dear it's..fine." Hinata spoke softly barely able to make out these words as she had no strength in her body.

"Ayato it's ok, I'm fine you shouldn't worry anymore."

"But you didn't wake up for so many days after using that new byakugan of yours, I was so worried mom what if something had happened to you back then? I-i..I can't lose you mom.." he broke into tears then and there but Ayato could not help himself as the tears came without warning and all his bad feelings were let out at once.

Hinata silently waited letting her son take out all his emotions as she ran her fingers through his hair gently playing with them.

The room was silent for a few minutes before Ayato finally was able to control his overflowing emotions.

"By the way mom, what was that new byakugan of yours? It looked completely different from a normal byakugan."

"It was just a version of the byakugan I developed which helps me look two seconds into the future." 

"Wow! How'd you get it?" Ayato got smacked on the head lightly by his father after he said that.

"That is not something you should know about, not now at least."

"But dad I want this cool power as wellllll.." his son looked at Sasuke with a pouting face trying to convince him.

"Hehhe it's ok dear I'm sure he won't try to attempt this if we told him no now would you son?" Hinata looked at her son with the "mother eyes" that used to scare him since he was a kid.

"Um yeah of course." Ayato's hopes of acquiring this new power were crushed by his mother and father but he was still eager to learn how his mother had come to obtain such power.

"Well when I was younger by about a decade or so, I wanted to further evolve my byakugan, to reach its next level of power as I never believed that the byakugan did not or could not progress in its power like the sharingan does since they are both dojutsu's that come directly from the sage of six paths. I thought that by isolating myself and focusing only on my power I could potentially awaken a new step in my search for evolution regarding the byakugan. In order to do that I went to a cave in the mountains a little ahead of konoha and stayed there for a few months training consistently while using only my byakugan. Overtime I would naturally spend my day with my byakugan constantly active for hours on end. It was then that I had begun to see visions of the things around me moving faster than they should have like a leaf falling from a tree had reached the ground in less time then it should have since it had started falling from a relatively high branch of the tree. I realized that the next step required for the evolution of the byakugan was to make it a daily part of my life and treat it as easily as breathing is for us humans. Day and night I stayed with my byakugan constantly active even when I was sleeping and then finally I was able to control this power but the future I saw was quite limited and only allowed me to see 0.5 seconds into the future which isn't a huge advantage on its own. To furthur evolve my power I silently meditated with the byakugan active in the cave for months without moving an inch. When I closed my eyes to meditate after a few months of constant meditation I was able to see everything around me in the cave as if I still had my eyes open because my senses had been heighten to such an extent where I could sense everything all around me and even look past what was and see what will be two seconds into the future. That is how I came to grasp my new power but the backlash to it was that in an actual fight with an opponent as fast and skilled like Kinshiki that two second advantage is not enough and it requires me to keep my eyes open and sharp which make this power burn through my optic nerve until it no longer can. Luckily your mom found a little fix for this problem, by storing chakra inside your eyes to act as a barrier you can stop this power from burning through your optic nerve really fast and use this power even if for a short time."



"I mean yeah that sounds terrible."

"Now it's my turn to ask you a question."

"Yeah sure mom."

"How did a little shuriken bring Kinshiki down to one knee?"

"Oh hehe that shuriken was filled with a poison that was made by Mr Orochimaru."


"Yeah well I kinda wanted to meet Mitsuki's dad one day so me, Jiraiya and Mitsuki snuck out after a mission to go and meet him and I kinda asked him to make a cool weapon for me to which he replied with "a weapon of ninja should be small hidden but deadly so your opponent never puts up a huge guard against it" and that is how I got a poisoned shuriken which was strong enough to completely paralyze a ninja forever but it only paralyzed one of kinshiki's legs which was a disappointment."

"No it wasn't, if it wasn't for that shuriken I wouldn't have been able to break Kinshiki's guard so thank you for your help Ayato." His mom flashed him a huge smile and then pulled him in for a hug.

"That was reckless but I'm proud of you for standing up to help your mother during her fight Ayato." Sasuke gently poked his son's forehead with his two fingers.

"Ow hehe thanks dad."

Part 12 ends here:

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