!!Important: Author's Note!!!

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Hey! I am the author of this story :) I wanted to make this note to explain a few things!

Who is Blitz?: First I wanted to point out that this is a Harry x Reader but the story line is heavily based on my oc Blitz Malfoy and I will be referring to the reader with that name. So technically you could replace Blitz with y/n if you wanted. It will mostly be told in your point of view but if it is someone else's and they are referencing Blitz they will say you(because you are her lol).

Pronouns: Blitz is also a girl so if you do not want to be referred to as one stop reading here or feel free to replace any she/her pronouns with your own!

Timeline: This story starts at the Chamber of Secrets and goes all they way through to the Deathly Hallows. You are in Ginny's year, so a year younger than the golden trio.

That is all I can think of right now, I will update if I think of anything else that might need to be pointed out. Also this is my first Harry Potter story so feel free to give feedback! Just don't be rude about it please. Anyways I hope you enjoy!

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