The Sorting

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~"Please Slytherin, please Slytherin,
                            please Slytherin."  ~                                              

                                                                              Blitz's POV

The Hogwarts Express slowly came to a stop after running all day. I was finally here. I finally at the place I had been dreaming about going to ever since Draco came home with all these stories of his time there. I wouldn't say me and Draco are the closest siblings, but he was kind enough to let me sit with him and his friends on the train ride over! Our mom actually made him but I'm gonna stick with my interpretation. I even got somewhat close with one of his female friends, Pansy Parkinson. She's pretty cool in my opinion, I don't know why most people didn't like her.

As people got off the train I was separated from my new found friends as all the first years were sent over to a big man with a large beard named Hagrid. Draco said he didn't like him, but I didn't believe that upon seeing him. He looked of cheerful and greeted returning and new students with a warm smile. Now I was really wondering why Draco hated him so much.

Once all the returning students were off the platform Hagrid spoke to us first years. "Alrigh' everyone! Get into groups of two, it doesn' matter who!" He called out over the flock of chattering chattering with excitement, who looked especially smaller compared to him. I spotted a red haired girl who looked to have not found a partner yet, and tapped her on the shoulder. "Excuse me. Do you have a partner?" I asked. She turned to me, and I immediately recognized her, but I didn't know where from. "No, could you be my partner?" She asked, sounding a bit shy. "Of course! I was gonna ask you that." I responded with a smile and a short laugh, to which she returned.

"Now everyone follow me! Stay close and with your 'artner! Nigh's fallin' quickly!" Hagrid called out once again. Me and the red head girl walked beside each other behind the larger man. It was getting harder to see, but the light he carried guided us. "So, what's your name?" I asked her as we walked. "Ginny Weasley. How about you?" That's where I knew her from! The book shop I was in with Draco and my father before the start of term. The red hair should have definitely given it away that she was a Weasley at least. "My name's Blitz, Blitz Malfoy. It's nice to meet you." Ginny seemed a bit shocked at hearing my name, and suddenly a bit distant than before. I just brushed it off as we continued to walk.

Hagrid led the group of us to a lake, and right across from it was the castle. "Now, two to a boat." As he mentioned it I saw little canoes docked on the sand. "An' I'll lead the way across the water." He explained to us. We all hopped in a canoe with our partner. Once we were seated I started to wonder, how would we push off? Also I doubted everyone here could piolet a canoe. Then, I felt the boat move on its own. Of course! They were magic! I watched as we got closer and closer to the castle. It looked bigger than I would have ever thought. It was also quite beautiful. It was hard to believe it was a school and not someone's mansion.

We docked at the other end of the lake and climbed out, all following Hagrid to the gates of the school, like ducklings following their mother. Once we reached the the entrance to the Great Hall he instructed us to all wait here until we were told to come inside for the sorting. Ginny had left me long ago. Went to talk to some brunette girl and a blonde with wavy hair. I didn't know what I did wrong. Maybe I scared her somehow? Oh well. I had friends already. Plus I would rather be looking at the castle than talking to people. It was beautiful. I loved seeing the paintings move around and look down on us curiously too.

A few moments later a lady approached us from the left side. If I was correct that was Professor McGonagall. "Greetings first years, and welcome to Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry. I am Professor McGonagall." Ha I was right. "In a few moments you will enter the Great Hall and be sorted into your houses. But first, let me remind you of the four houses we have here." She started explaining to us. "There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. The sorting hat will put you in the house it thinks will best suit you based on the three main traits of each. Now, unless anyone has any questions, the sorting will begin." Nobody asked anything, even if it looked like we had a million questions no one asked. We were all too eager to be sorted. "Alright, when I call your name step up and sit on the chair. I will place the hat on your head and it will shout out your house." With that, the doors to the Great Hall opened.

All heads of former students turned as the group of nervous and curious first years walked in between the tables. I looked around, admiring mostly the ceiling above us. It was so cool! I wondered how it worked. I then looked around the Hall, everyone seemed to be looking at us. I looked for Draco and his friends, once I saw them I gave them a wave. Soon the group reached the front, and Professor McGonagall started to call out names. "Avery Abletone." "Gryffindor!" "Macy Finnley." "Hufflepuff!" "Luna Lovegood." "Ravenclaw!" It went by last name so I had to wait a bit, and after what felt like forever, it was my turn. "Blitz Malfoy."

I walked up to the chair and sat down. I was hoping it would put me in Slytherin immediately, like Draco last year. Apparently the hat hadn't even touched his head! Unfortunately, I didn't get the same results. The hat was placed on my head, and it began to think. "Hmmm yes yes... very interesting mind here... very difficult mind... you're cunning, and ambitious yes there's no doubt about it. But I sense your determination, and if placed in a threatening situation, I believe you would show great bravery..." The hat said into my ear. So it was between Gryffindor and Slytherin. "Please Slytherin, please Slytherin, please Slytherin." I thought, and apparently it could hear that. "Slytherin? I'd say, that's the first time I have heard that in decades. Are you sure? Cause I feel you would thrive in Gryffindor..." "Yes! I'm sure! Please." "Hmmm... alright..." It took a few moments before finally calling out... "Slytherin!"

I smiled happily as the hat was took off my head and I went to join my fellow Slytherin's at their table as they cheered for their new member. Out of everyone I heard Pansy cheering the loudest. I laughed a bit as I made my way over, sitting next to her. "Welcome to the snake club little Malfoy!" She exclaimed and gave me a fist bump. Once it had quieted down the sorting continued. Ginny was placed in Gryffindor, just like the rest of her siblings. It was really the only sorting I payed attention too.




Author Note: That's it for chapter one! I'm planning on making the chapters longer as it goes on unless you guys prefer more shorter chapters. Also please give me some tips on how to write Hagrid speaking because I haven't got a clue 😭

Next chapter will be out soon! This was more of an introductory so it'll get more into the story line after this. Have a great day/night! :)

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