Bumping into Each Other Already

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              ~"We just can't get away from
                           each other huh?"~

Blitz's POV

After the sortings, Dumbledore made a few announcements. It was basically the rules, curfew, don't go in the forbidden forest, blah blah blah. The only thing that caught my attention was the introduction of the new defense against the dark arts teacher, Gilderoy Lockhart. A bunch of girls seemed really excited by this news, but I didn't understand the big deal... at first. "He's so breathtaking I can't believe he's gonna be our teacher!" "I know right! Isn't he just amazing!" I overheard some older Slytherin girls. Oh, that's why. They think he's hot. Wait ew.

Thankfully I didn't have to listen to that for very long, since food appeared in front of us and the Start of Term Feast began! Thank god I'm starving!

The food at Hogwarts was better than I could ever imagine. Even better than the food at home! Our house elf Dobby made most of our food, and he was a pretty good cook so you'll have to take my word for it. Speaking of Dobby, he keeps going missing then reappearing. A few nights ago my father was looking for him to clean something, and couldn't find him anywhere. He searched the whole house. Then all of a sudden, he just comes around the corner like he was here the whole time! He claims to have not heard us calling his name a million times, but I'm not buying it.

Towards the end of the feast me and Pansy were messing around. At one point we were flinging peas back and forth with our spoons, and right as I was about to send the vegetables flying she hit the spoon out of my hands and onto the floor. "Pansy!" I exclaimed with a laugh. "Now I can't use it!" "That's what you get for trying to hit me with food!" She retorted, laughing along with me.

I turned to pick up my spoon in the aisle, when I saw someone looking back at me. A dark haired boy with glasses who looked no older than Draco with a confused look on his face. "Oh, did that hit you?" I asked as I leaned to the floor, picking it up. I definitely recognized him, but from where... "Yeah, it did. But it's no big deal." He responded, a small smile forming on the boy's face. "Sorry about that, my friend over here doesn't know how to take a joke." I teased, side eyeing Pansy who was had gotten distracted by one of her second year friends. "It's alright, I get it." We laughed at the same time. "What's your name?" "Blitz, Blitz Malfoy. How about you?" He seemed slightly shocked once I said my last name, even more so when I asked his. Now I was the one with a confused look. "What's wr-" I got interrupted.

"Hey! Potter!" I looked to see Draco turned towards the other table, an annoyed expression on his face. "Stop obsessing over my family will ya?" He asked as more of a statement than a question. Then Draco grabbed my shoulder and turned me away from the boy. "What was that for?" I asked, frustrated that he stopped me from making a friend. "You idiot, that's Harry Potter! Don't talk to him, got it?" Now I knew where I recognized the boy from. Of course I knew the story of Harry Potter, and how he defeated Vol- You-Know-Who when he was just a baby. Though, he looked like a completely normal kid since his bangs hid the scar on his forehead. It was hard to believe he was actually the boy who lived. "Yeah, whatever." I replied, still annoyed. I didn't understand why Draco hated him. From what I got, he seemed sweet.

After some more eating and talking the food disappeared from our tables. "Now that everyone has full bellies, it's time for us to all get some rest. Tomorrow is the official first day of term!" Dumbledore announced. "Everyone make your way to your houses, first years stay behind. Your Prefects will escort you to your house." With that everyone started to file out while us first heard made our way to the front of our tables. I saw Ginny over in the pack of Gryffindors. I decided to give her a small wave with a smile, but didn't get anything in return. I was really wondering what I did wrong.

The Slytherin Prefects, a boy and a girl, led the group of kids down to the dungeons. "Now don't forget the password or you won't be able to get in at night." The boy instructed. "Pure Blood" He said, and the door opened for us. Well that would be easy to remember. The two lined us up by gender and started giving us our roommates. Finally, it was my turn, and I was the only one left. "Hm, that's odd." The girl said. "You don't have a roommate, so what do I do with yo..." "She can room with me!" Pansy interrupted from across the room. "My old roommate moved schools, so I don't have anyone now." The Prefects seemed skeptical, but agreed. "Well it's either that or you're alone so, I guess it's fine." I smiled as she sent me on my way. I think I was gonna be alright at Hogwarts.

The Next Morning

It was the first day of actual classes, and I had no clue where I was going. The castle was so big and the hallways were so crowded since it was the first week and everyone was trying to find out where they were going. Teachers were trying to help but there are only so many of them. Unfortunately for me, Draco and Pansy had potions first, which was so easy to find. It's literally right by our common room.

I really couldn't find Professor Flitwick, I think, the Charms classroom. I was so lost. Then I thought about the book my father gave me just before we left. It was supposed to talk back to me, so maybe it could help me find this class. I took the book and a quill out of my bag, and opened it to a blank page. I hope this works.

'Hey! My father told me you're supposed to help me with my first year at Hogwarts. So I was wondering if you knew where the Charms classroom was.' I wrote in the book. This felt so stupid, that was until the ink sunk into the book, and new words appeared. 'Yes of course, I would love to help you. If you take a left up here then the next right it will be the third door on the right.' I watched in awe it spoke back to me. 'Thank you! But how do you know where I am?' I wrote back, taking a left like it told me to. 'I'll tell you later, tonight, and we can get to know each other.' 'Alright! That soun' I stopped writing as when I was taking the right I felt myself run into something, or rather someone.

It was Harry Potter. My book fell out my hands, and so did the one he was carrying. "Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." He apologized awkwardly as he picked his stuff up. "It's alright, I wasn't looking either." I replied with a small laugh, picking up my book. I noticed him look at it for longer than normal, but shook it off. "Uhm, see you around I guess?" I asked. "Yeah, sure." He didn't sound so confident, especially when that redhead friend of his, Ron Weasley, started dragging him off to class.

I made it to my first Charms class, the book was right. I wonder what this thing was that made the book talk and know all the answers to my questions. I guess I would find out tonight.

My next class was Flying. It seemed easy enough to find, just go out to the field. How hard could that be? Well, pretty hard considering how many fields there were at this school. I was about to ask the book where to go again when I spotted Harry in the halls, again. But this time he was walking alone.

I picked up my pace to catch up to him. "Hey Harry!" I greeted, causing his to jump a bit as I snuck up behind him. "Oh, hello. Blitz right?" "Mhm! Sorry for scaring you, but would you happen to know where to go for flying class?" I asked to get straight tot he point. After last night I didn't want to be caught with him, Draco would kill me. "Yeah, it's in the north courtyard." "Alright, thanks! I went to the south so." The conversation was pretty awkward, and only got more awkward when we turned the same way. "We just can't get away from each other huh?" I joked. "Seems so. I'm going to Herbology. It's the same way." He answered quickly, almost as if he was defending himself. Soon we reached a greenhouse and parted ways. I still had no clue why Draco hated him so much.

I saw Harry one more time that day. At lunch, where we just flashed each other small waves and went back to our own group of friends. But all I could think about at lunch was finding out what, or who, was behind the pages in my book.




Author Note: This isn't the best but I tried, I just couldn't figure out how to describe some of the things I wanted to happen😭 Also yes I am making Pansy nicer than she is in the books because it's fun and I can lmao
Anyways I hope you have a great day! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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