The Twins Fight!

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Arriving at the host club with Takashi and Honey I just want to bang my head against a wall. Hikaru and Kaoru have been fighting, they even dyed their hair they were so mad at each other! Soon enough Mira arrives and we gather together to figure out a way to get them to make up. "Okay! Operation get the twins to stop fighting is in motion!" Tamaki yells and explains the plan. Haruhi, Mira, and I are suppose to guilt the twins into apologizing to each other. Going from Tamaki's plan we decide that Haruhi is just going to talk to them. I hope this works!

"Hey Kaoru!" I wave to the blue haired twin and he walks over to me.

"Hi Alicia-san." He smiles, "You need anything?"

"No but I was wondering why you and Hikaru are fighting." I look up at him curiously.

He looks angry, "Don't even get me started on that jerk." He dodged my question, there's something else going on.

"Well, what did he do?" I sip my tea after I ask him. He narrow's his eyes and crosses his arms.

"Everything! He's so annoying." I sigh and shake my head at his answer. He's trying to be manipulative but I can do it better.

I laugh evilly and look at him smirking, "You're trying to get something, aren't you?" He looks at me surprised and Haruhi calls him over. I totally hit a nerve.

I stay back at my table while Haruhi talks to them. I smile and laugh when Takashi walks up behind me.

"Hey." Takashi stands beside me and looks at the now smirking twins.

"I knew they were trying to accomplish something, I just couldn't figure out what." I giggle then look up to Takashi. His face is expressionless as usual, lately its only been like that if we're not alone.

"They wanted to go to Haruhi's place." He continues to look at the twins and Haruhi.

"They look like best buds now!" I say sarcastically then giggle, making Takashi smile. "Today has been interesting, that's for sure."

"Yeah." I smile and motion for him to sit down next to me. I'm glad we canceled club activities today. We haven't really told anyone that we're a couple but there have been rumors going around about it. I sigh and Takashi looks to me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine I just don't like all of the rumors going around about us. I just hate rumors in general anyway." I sigh again. After a few moments of silence Kyoya walks up to us. What does he want now?!

"Mori-senpai, Alicia." Kyoya sighs and looks at us with a serious expression.

"Yes Kyoya-senpai?" I smile while Takashi, well he's Takashi.

"You're dating aren't you?" Kyoya pushes his glasses up his nose bridge. I giggle and Takashi smiles then we both nod. Kyoya sighs again, "I'm afraid we have to keep this to the club only, none of our guests should know."

"Kyoya look I don't care if people know and our guests shouldn't care if we're a couple either. If we really have to because it's bad for business then I'll leave or just..... I don't know." Takashi looks at me and smiles then grabs my hand. Kyoya smiles slightly then returns to his normal expression.

"It's really not good for business we will loose some of our guests because of this, if it gets out."

"Kyoya it's obviously already out, have you not heard the rumors? I mean I assume that's why you came and talked to us." I smirk and Kyoya sighs. Takashi smiles and squeezes my hand softly.

"Yes." He sighs again, "What the hell, do whatever you want. I don't care anymore." I laugh as he walks away.

"Well, that was out of character for him. I just can't believe that worked too." I smile and rest my head on Takashi's shoulder. Mira walks over to us and looks very annoyed.

"Alicia it was just a game for them!" I laugh at her frustration and nod.

"Yeah we know I could tell before Haruhi talked to them." I smile and Mira looks at me shocked.

"Why didn't you tell us?!"

"I figured it out as soon as Kaoru left to talk with Haruhi." She sighs and I giggle. "Sorry I couldn't tell you sooner, poor Haruhi....." I look towards Haruhi and sigh happily. "Takashi." He looks at me as I lift my head from his shoulder causing our faces to be just inches apart. I blush then Mira ruins the moment.

"Please don't kiss." Mira smirks as I jump away embarrassed.

"Really Mira!" I blush more as she laughs Takashi looks away with a slight blush to his face causing Mira to giggle.

She starts to laugh harder, "Yes really! Come on that was funny."

"No." I cross my arms and look away, then I start to giggle. "Okay I guess it was kinda funny." I laugh then intertwine my fingers with Takashi's and blush. I look at my phone, "Oh, I have to go. I have training today."

"Alicia I'll come with you." Getting up Takashi smiles and my hand and walks out of the club room with me. I quickly text Tamaki and tell him that I left for training. Walking out of the building a few students wander the halls and Takashi and I get a few stares as we walk with our fingers laced together.

"Takashi we should walk its nice out." I look up to him and smile.

"Okay." We walk for awhile in silence, it was a comfortable silence. I sigh happily and Takashi laughs. "You sure have been happy lately."

"Yes I have been because I have a wonderful boyfriend." I giggle and blush at my own words.

"Um Alicia."

"Yeah." I look up and smile.

"Do you want to go out on a date this weekend?" I giggle and nod.

"Yeah it sounds like fun." I smile widely and squeeze Takashi's hand. We walk in silence until we arrive at my house. I hug Takashi and pull away as he leans down to kiss me. Of course being as short as I am I have to stand on my tiptoes to reach his lips.

I pull away and smile, "Goodbye Alicia."

"Bye Takashi, see you tomorrow." I walk inside and lean against the door and sigh then giggle and go train.

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