The Beginning of Our Life

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A/N- This chapter has a fairly long time skip! Sorry! Pic is also Alicia-sans wedding dress! Hehehe
*time skip 6 years*

I was so nervous but it was a good nervous. Honestly I think Tamaki was more nervous than I was, he was about to go through what I am now in a few months. During high school it was painfully obvious how he felt about Haruhi and the scaredy cat finally told her how he felt in her third year, oddly enough she had fallen for him too. His proposal was a little dramatic, of course, but none the less it was adorable. So obviously she said yes and now they're getting married, just after Takashi and I.

If it hadn't already been clear, today was my wedding day. I was so incredibly happy that a smile never left my face and I was still just getting my hair done. I don't know, I was scared, nervous, and ecstatic all at the same time. I looked at my dress that still hung on the door and smiled to myself. It was a beautiful dress, American twist on a kimono style dress. Anywhere where it wasn't white, there was pink. I hated pink but I loved this dress and it was a soft pink, something I could like. I was ready, I was so ready to finally marry the man that I love so much.

I was still caught up in my thoughts when Haruhi helped me into my dress. The more I thought about how excited I was the more my nerves dulled. And soon it was finally time, my father stepped into the room, I was about to walk down the isle. I smiled at my father and hugged him tenderly.

"I'm going to miss seeing you at home father." I smiled at the man who gave me a home and a family seven years ago when I had nothing.

Yuzuru smiled back at me, "I'm going to miss that too."

As soon as my father and I stopped hugging Tamaki loudly burst into the room, making me giggle. "Niisan, you could've knocked."

"Should I go knock then?" Tamaki asked with a confused expression.

I laughed, "No, you're already in here but you should probably get ready, the ceremony starts in a few minutes."

Tamaki nodded vigorously and hastily left the room. "Oh, he's so weird sometimes papa." I had grown used to being more casual with my adoptive father and called him 'papa' for the last five years or so, it reminded me of my biological father.

"You two could pass as real siblings you know besides the eyes and hair." Yuzuru stated happily.

"I know." I smiled softly, "It's almost time papa, I'm going to be married soon."

(Mori's POV)

Mitsukuni stood next to me as I nervously fidgeted, something I would normally never do but I was getting married. I knew she wouldn't run but it was in the bad of my mind that she might. 

"Takashi? Are you okay?" Mitsukuni asked, tilting his head to one side. I only nodded in response.

A few minutes later the music had started and the doors opened, showing my beautiful bride. My nervousness melted away and a small smile formed on my lips.

Alicia looked gorgeous, I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was my everything and now the world would know that she was mine. As Yuzuru led her down the isle my smile became wider, and she was finally standing in front of me.

"Take good care of her Morinozuka." Yuzuru stated in a serious tone but smiled.

I nodded as gently took Alicia's hands in mine. "I will sir."  My eyes immediately went to Alicia and I whispered softly, "You look absolutely gorgeous my love."

Her cheeks turned pink and she whispered, "Thank you Takashi."

I couldn't take my eyes off her and the rest of the ceremony was a blur, but soon enough I had said 'I do'. 

I softly whispered, "I love you Alicia Morinozuka."

A quiet giggle escaped her lips and she whispered back, "I love you too, Takashi Morinozuka."

Before I could lean down, Alicia jumped up and  planted her soft lips against mine. Of course, cheers and whistles filled the room as I pulled away from Alicia.

Alicia flashed me a soft smile and took my hand, pulling me down the isle with her. Chuckling, I let her pull me out through the doors while everyone took pictures of us.

(Back to Alicia's POV)

After excitedly pulling Takashi out of the room and immediately jumped up and hugged him tightly. "We're married!"

"Yes we are." Takashi smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

"I've never been so happy, I can't believe I'm your wife and you're my husband." I stammered out, still smiling of course making him laugh.

"You're still as weird as the day we met, and I love it." Takashi softly stated. He was very calm  compared to my extremely excited state.

I giggled, "I know but I'm just so happy."

"Come on my love, the reception is going to start soon." He smiled and interlaced his fingers with mine.

I nodded, a smile never leaving my face. Today was only a start for us. Our marriage was only the beginning of our life together and I couldn't be happier.


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