new neighbors

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,,I'm sorry?"I said confused I assumed that was german

,,I just moved here from Pittsburgh" I smiled

,,Oh cool! I asked you if you are new here, but now I know you just moved here" he said the wind flew through his hair

,,I'm Jennifer and you?" I asked him

,,I'm Lukas nice too meet you" he had an shy smile on his face

He had blonde hair, had dark green eyes and an beautiful face

,,Bro wann kommst du wie-"
That's german and means dude when are you com-

There was an boy,he was tall and had an very nice body
And brown dreadlocks he had an perfect nose and his eyes I could get lost in them

He looked at me
,,Wer bist du denn?"
That's german and means and who are you?
He asked me while he licked his lip piercing

,,Sie kommt aus Pittsburgh und ist erst hier her gezogen"
That's german and means she moved here from Pittsburgh

,,Hey I'm Jennifer"
I told him my name while starring in his pretty eyes

,,Oh I'm Tom" he said while he was starring at me too

,,Jennifer sweetheart food is ready!"
My mom shouted

I sighed:,,I need to go but nice to meet you guys"

,,Bye darling" tom said with an little smile

I got in and ate

,,I have met the new neighbor
His name is Lukas he is very nice and shy"i said with an smile proud of myself I haven't even been here for 1 day and I already made some friends

,,I'm going to bed!,Good night love you" I gave both a kiss on the cheek.

I couldn't sleep I was too nervous tomorrow will be the first day in My new school

I needed to call nora and zoe

,,Hey guys! I missing you already" I said unhappy

, Oh I miss you too baby!"nora said with an sad face

,,Soo Drake has asked me out"zoe said with an excited voice

,,No way!"I said shocked

Drake was her crush since she was twelve I was so happy for her but I was sad too because I couldn't hug her,scream with her it's all gone

We talked till I fell asleep

I had an dream about Tom He was really pretty and nice well I know him for like 10 minutes but still I like him

My alarm rings

,,Ugh" I growled I didn't wanted to wake up

I slowly woke up and got downstairs and made me cereal

My parents still sleeping

,,I'm scared of my new school!"
I talked to myself I do that all thr time

I got dressed and started to walk but it started to rain like really bad

,,Great! The first day and you are all wet" I said,I was so pissed

,,Hey need a ride?"
Someone said I recognized his voice

,,That would be great thank you so much!"I got in the car

,,So why did you move here?" Lukas asked me

,,Oh my dad got an new job here"
I said smiling at him

We talked till we were there

,,Should I show you the principles office?" He asked with his shy voice again it was kind of cute tho

,,that would be very nice thank you again" I thanked him

love at first sightWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt