More fucks?!?!

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(I don't feel like explaining things so just use your imagination on what happened)
So now you're down in the underworld with the penis you so desired
"Mmmmmmmm so what now?"
He looks over at you with confusion in his eyes
"What now? Oh! Uh...I don't knowww..."
He looks around for things to give you
"Uhm...maybe just...torture the damned for a minute til I find something else for you, eh?"
You do that one awkward thing where you wander around because you don't know where you're going but you don't want to be a burden and you try to look like you know where to go but you really don't.
(Please tell me you know what I mean)
You eventually give up and run over to Hades
"Hades? U-uhm...where exactly do I torture the dead...?"
He looks back at you and sighs
"Come on kid...follow me..."
As you walk with Hades, you notice more about him
You notice how...actually...kinda attractive he is, in a sort of evil way
You like his charming attitude
You think that his witty nature is nice and you start to grow fond of his temper
"He's a pretty interesting god...I hope I can get in his good side..."
You think to yourself as you stare up at him
"Alright babe, once you walk through this door; you get to use ANY torture devices you'd like. Have fun kid, knock yourself out..."
You don't respond to Hades, you're lost in his menacing gaze
"Helloooo? Hey, y/n, babe!"
He waves his hand near your face to wake you back up
"Hey! Snap out of it, come on! I'm not here to babysit you, now get to work!!"
"Huh?! Oh shit!! God uh...sorry sorry sir!!!"
"Yeah're really testing my patience, huh?"
He leaves to go do uh...Hades things...
You sigh, feeling bad for how angry you made Hades
"Shit...I really gotta work on that..."
You sigh as you walk though the torture chamber to torture the damned (or something)

(Disney) Hades x MALE reader (silly billy)Where stories live. Discover now