I apologize for everything and if there is a god then i hope they forgive me

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You do some torture stuff and you feel like you're getting better by the second
I mean...it's not THAT fun but you gotta do it
After almost a whole business day of working you try to find your way to Hades office
(By asking the other citizens in the Underworld ofc)
You knock on the door and he lets you in
"Hm? What are you doing here?"
He seems somewhat annoyed
You look up at him sheepishly
"U-uhm...it's been l-like...5 hours...h-have you thought of something else for me to do...?"
He groans angrily and holds his head in frustration
"Look babe...I get you're excited to work on other stuff but it's your first day on the job!"
You grab his hand and jump up and down
"Pleeeease??? I did a good job, I swear!!!"
He pulls his hand away in disgust
"Alright alright!! Jeez babe!!"
He groans
"Fine...but if I find out you've been doing a shit job then so help me I will RIP YOU TO PIECES!!!"
You gulp nervously as you walk Hades back to the torture place
You get worried that maybe you didn't do a good enough job as you two continue walking
As he walks up to the door he can already hear the tortured screams on the other side and his face lights up in surprise
"My my, babe! Already sounds like I misjudged you!"
You start to get excited as he opens the door to find all the souls being currently tortured
He sighs in delight seeing your good work as a sinister grin creeps on his face
"Good work...very good..."
You get a little nervous yet excited by the praise
"Oh! Th-thank you...sir...! I'm glad that you-"
He shushes you
"Please, just call me Hades"
You gulp nervously
"Mmh...o-oh I'm sorry! H-Hades...uhm...thank you..."
You look down in embarrassment
"Hey, don't sweat it babe! How bout I let you have the rest of the day off, huh? Ya like that?"
"The rest of the day off? You mean...I get to go home tonight?"
"Bingo babe! You need your rest for tomorrow anyways..."
You nod nervously
"Ah...yeah...th-thank you so much sir- I mean...uhm...Hades! Heh...thank you..."
"No problem! Now get outta here! I can handle the rest of this..."
He lets you head back home for the rest of the night
You finally get inside and sit on your bed, thinking...

(Disney) Hades x MALE reader (silly billy)Where stories live. Discover now