Chapter Sixteen

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    Elizabeth struggled to contain her excitement. Nickolas seemed nice, but she still didn't know if she could trust him. If she showed how delighted she was at eating at the cafe, he might not let her eat. He might even make her wait outside.  She had to remain calm.
   She couldn't hide her smile as they entered the cafe. Cream colored lace table cloths with crystal candle holders in the center and beautiful China place settings. The hotel cafe had a simple elegance and it smelled fantastic.
  They took their seats and a waiter brought menues and filled glasses of water. "The special today is roast beef with vegetables and gravy, and blueberrie cobbler."
   "That sounds good to me. What about you?" Nickolas asked, taking a sip of water.
Elizabeth was unsure what to do. Was she allowed to order? "That sounds good." She wasn't sure she'd ever had roast beef, but figured agreeing with him was the safest option.
Nickolas addressed the waiter, "Two specials, and two cups of coffee, please. I'll take mine with sugar, she'll have hers  heavy on the cream and sugar. Thank you."
"Thank you, sir. It'll be right out."
Nickolas smiled. "So, once we're done eating, we've got some shopping to do."
"I need some supplies for the ranch, and you need clothes and shoes, I won't forget the shoes this time."
Elizabeth glanced down at her raggedy old boots. "I can m-manage w-with these. I don't w-want to be a burden."
"You are not a burden, Elizabeth. You are my wife. And I intend to make sure you have everything you need."
  Their conversation was interrupted by the waiter bringing their meal. The beef was so good. Elizabeth completely forgot Nickolas was there. She jumped when the waiter brought her cobbler. Nickolas chuckled. "I'm glad to see you've found your appetite. I've seen you eat exactly two biscuits in two days."
"I-im sorry. It was just so good. I've never had beef like this before."
"If you thought that was good, wait till you have some cobbler. I prefer cherry myself, but blueberry is a close second. Ain't much that tastes better than fresh cobbler."
Elizabeth offered a small smile and took a bite. Oh my. She'd never had anything so heavenly. The fruit was sweet and juicy. And the crust slightly salty. She finished her cobbler with a mmmmmh. Nickolas chuckled and passed her his plate. Elizabth was dumbfounded. Was he giving her his food because she liked it? She was used to getting scraps, but he hadn't even had a bite.
"Go ahead, like I said, I prefer cherry, and you look like that was the best thing you've ever eaten." His smile made crinkles around his eyes and showed a neat line of straight white teeth.
Elizabeth finished the second piece and smiled. For the first time in her life, her stomach was full. It ached a bit, but she was satisfied.
   Nickolas paid the bill and led the way to the general store. Elizabeth felt heavy walking the short distance down the boardwalk. They entered the general store and were greeted by a white haird man with spectacles on the tip of his nose. "Afternoon Nickolas, ma'am."
"Hiya George. I'd like you to meet my wife, this is Elizabeth. Elizabeth, George, and his wife, Ellen, own the general store."
"Nice to meet you, ma'am. And congratulations!" The older man beamed at them.
Elizabeth smiled and thanked George.
"Is Ellen in?"
"Sure is." He leaned over the stairwell behind him and hollered up. "Ellen dear."
"Thanks George, can you size a new pair of boots for Elizabeth?"
"Yes, of course. Go sit over in that corner there, and I'll grab my kit." He gestured to the bench where a display of boots lined the shelves in one corner of the store. Elizabeth obeyed, thankful for a rest. She was starting to feel nauseous.
George hobbled over to measure her, the man had a considerable limp. Over the top of his head, she could see a cheerful looking woman talking to Nickolas. After a moment, the woman placed a crate on the counter and began flitting back and forth, gathering items to add to it.
  George presented Elizabeth with a pair of simple black boots to try. The old man pushed, squeezed, and turned her foot before deciding it was a bit too big. "The next size might feel tight, but they will break in after a week or two." He pulled on a new pair of boots and laced them up. They were tight but better than what she had.
She returned to Nickolas with her raggedy old boots in her arms.
"Let's see."
She lifted her hem slightly, and Nickolas nodded in approval.
George agreed to load the monthly order in the wagon, and Nickolas paid the older man.   

Quick author note: I wanted to finish up the shopping trip in one episode, but it looks like naptime is over. Back to real life.

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