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Hello! I will be updating this story every available Friday!


Laura's POV:

"Please! Why are you doing this?!" I screeched. "Shut your mouth!" Jake yelled at me. He whipped my back with a glass vase, causing it to break beneath my skin. "Jake, I thought you loved me!" I shouted. He hit me again, this time straight in the head.

"Why would I still love an ugly troll like you?" He asked non-sympathetically.

"Jake," I cried, whilst clutching my head.

"That would be asking too much of me,"

"Why are you doing this?!"

"Oh my god! 'Why, why, why?' is all you ever say. You're getting on my nerves!"

"Then break up with me!" I shouted, blocking his slaps. "NO!" He shouted at me and ran out of the house. What's wrong with him? Why is he acting like this? Hitting me, not wanting to break up with me, then leaving! I dialed 911, while clutching my head.

~At The Hospital~

"Ma'am what happened?" The nurses asked. I shook my head, terrified that if I told them, Jake would come back for me, and even worse this time. "She's not cooperating, doctor! How will we find out what happened?" One of the nurses asked.

The doctor shook his head. "Leave her alone Susan, we have to give her time," the doctor replied. If I actually ever even survive, I thought to myself. "Don't worry, you'll survive," the doctor said as he winked and left.

Everyone's a psycho! But now back to the main problem, Jake... What will I do? I have no where to escape. My parents are in Italy with my sister, Vanessa. All my friends are gone too, on vacation. The crazy part is that they all decide to go at the same time, while school is still happening!

How will I survive? How will I be able to stand up for myself. I looked down to see casts around my legs and bruises on my arms. "Please Jake, tell me why you're doing this to me. Just tell me why," I murmured as I got up and leaned against my crutches. I'm hungry and I'm not going to sit here and do nothing!

Ross' POV:

"Ross! We're going to the hospital to visit Ryland!" Riker, my brother, shouted from down the stairs. "Okay!" I shouted back and raced down the stairs and to the car. I haven't seen Ryland in so long, which was like last night. Rydel sat next to Ratliff and Rocky was right next to her, trying to conceal his fangirling.

"Everyone in and buckled up?" My mom asked, for the hundredth time. We all nodded and drove down the highway in complete silence, well besides Rydellington's silent flirting.

~At The Hospital ~

"Hey guys, you're back!" Ryland cheered sarcastically. "Yeah we missed you too little guy!" Rocky admitted as he ruffled up Ryland's hair. He's so oblivious... "Well I'm gonna go to the cafeteria, who wants in?" I asked.

"I'll go! I'm starving!" Riker complained. I nodded as I started out the door. "We'll be back in a few minutes," I told everyone and left with Riker.

"So you're paying, right?" Riker asked me as he held a handful of cookies in one hand and millions of sandwiches in the other. I quickly paid for my sandwich and got out of the way, forcing Riker to pay for himself. "Awe man!" Riker groaned as he took out his wallet.

I chuckled and found an empty table . I put all my stuff down and looked up to see a petite brunette struggling with her food and crutches. I walked over to her and stopped her from falling.

Laura's POV:

"Oh thank you so much, I'm just stru-" I got cut off by him chuckling. "It's okay," he said. He has a nice voice... I looked up and met a pair of big brown eyes. A pair that could melt your insides... He had blonde hair that actually looked good. Not some ratchet hair that you could buy from a weave shop.

"I'm Laura," I introduced and shook his hand.


"So what are you in for?"

"My brother broke his leg while trying to parachute from the roof with a pillow case,"

I giggled and smiled at him. "I hope he feels better," I said to him. "Thanks, so what are you in for?" He asked me with a smile on his face. My smile faded and I tore my eyes from his. "Something personal, sorry I can't tell you," I said softly.

He looked at me sympathetically and gave me a sad smile. "It's okay, I hope it's not going to do anything else harmful to you," he said. "Ross! Who's your new friend?" A guy asked as he walked up to Ross and patted him on the head.

"This is Laura, Laura this is my brother Riker," Ross introduced. Riker winked at me and I smiled. "That's a lot of food..." I whispered to Ross. He nodded and grabbed a cookie from Riker and handed it to me. "Thanks," I said to both of them.

"I gotta go now! Bye!" I waved to the two brothers and started to walk back to my room.

Ross' POV:

Riker and I watched as she walked away from us. "She's really pretty, did you get her number?" Riker asked, with a mouthful of cookies. I mentally face-palmed myself and shook my head.

He necked me and walked to Ryland's room. I can't believe I forgot to get her number! She seemed like a girl that I would actually enjoy being friends with!


I hoped you enjoyed that little prologue!

Thanks for reading! xx

~ MMWrites <3

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