Old Memories

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Please be advised that this chapter includes depictions of both emotional and physical abuse. If you are not in the state of mind to read this material at the moment please click off<3


"Sofia you need to get to bed" I scolded the 6 year old in front of me.

"No! I don't want to!" she screamed back at me.

She started to flail her legs trying to get me away from her. I feel a sharp pain in my lower jaw as her foot collided with my face. I quickly grabbed both her feet in one of my hands stopping her from kicking me any further with her utter melt down over bed time. "What the fuck Sofia! that hurt!" I yell at her reaching up my face wincing as I touch the spot she kicked.

"I don't want to sleep! You can't make me Tyler!" She yelled back at me. I swear to god this girl.

"Shut up already!" I continue the yelling 

I heard our bedroom door bang against the wall as it was harshly swung open. Shit, It's Mitch . The tyrant of the house has swung that door open so many times we now have a hole where the doorknob has broken through the wall. Against everything in my body telling me to get up from this bed and run away I looked towards the door to see Mitch absolutely fuming. I'm so getting my ass beat.

"What's going on here" he screeches at both of us. I quickly let go of Sofia's feet as she starts to cry from the yelling, again. All this kid fucking does is cry. I mean I understand that's what little kids do but it wasn't like I ever signed up for this. I have the god damn right to be annoyed and pissed at this 6 year old who has quickly become more of my child then she will ever be theirs. mom and Mitch fucking choose to have her why the hell do I have to take care of her ass. For gods sake I'm fucking 13! 

"Tyler. Do you plan to keep ignoring my question." Mitch says in a scarily calm voice as he makes eye contact with me.

"No, sir. Sorry, sir" I say manage to get out through gritted teeth

My head whips to the side suddenly leaving me in a state of shock. I'm quickly broken out of my frozen state when the searing pain of my cheek emerges. I feel tears stinging the corner of my eyes daring to fall from the pain. I attempt to take a deep shaky breath before looking back at the culprit of the hit.

"Don't you dare give me attitude boy" He spits into my face

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir" I say, this time in the most polite voice I can muster.

"See was that so hard boy?" he smirks at me before turning his attention to Sofia.

"Aw hunny don't cry, your brother was just being bad so I had to punish him. Shh, don't worry love. Whats wrong hunny huh? Why were you screaming darling?" He spoke to her in this sickeningly sweet voice. 

"I don't want to go to bed daddy" she sniffles to him.

"Now hunny you need to get to bed, listen to your brother darling" he continues with the sweet act.

"No! I don't want to!" she screams at him

I watched as his face turned from sweet to one of pure anger. He leaned in way too close to her face sticking a finger right by her throat forcing her head up slightly .

"Don't you dare ever scream at your dad brat! Get to bed!" he screamed right into her face causing her to cry of fear. This fucker. First he punishes me because she wont go to bed and now he just gives me more god damn work. 

I know it probably makes me an awful person but sometimes I hope if I stare at him long enough hell just explode on the spot. Maybe even just have a heart attack and drop dead. God everything would be so much easier if he just died.

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