Mari hung out with her friends a lot. She even watched her friend, Lafayette get poisoned and his mom get arrested. It was obviously forced. That was during her younger years.

She didn't hang out with her friends that much, she was falling for Lee. But John Laurens was also in love with her.

Mari's best friend Lafayette had fallen in love with her father while Mari was in high school. They got together. She was devastated, she may have been with Lee but she had liked Laffy for a while.

She barely talked to him at all. She avoided him. Especially when him and her father got married. Lee had gone off to college and Mari stayed home, taking care of herself, she was pregnant with her first child.

Lafayette tried helping her but she refused. She always walked away from him. She wouldn't look at him ever.

It was December 24 when Mari's son, Martin, was born. Martin Rae Lee. He had pale skin, freckles, and gorgeous blue eyes.

Mari was in the hospital until 10 pm, they let her leave and she went home. She stayed up, taking care of Martin.

She fell asleep after a bit, Martin in her arms. She woke up at 11 am and fed Martin then put him in his crib.

Soon there was a knock on the door and she opened it. She was welcomed by Lee, he was on one knee with a ring in his hands.

Mari covered her mouth and Lee smiled. "Mari Washington I've loved you since we first met and I will never stop loving you, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

Mari nodded and Lee put the ring on her finger. The bond was tied. It wasn't good.

Little did she know. Her life would be a living hell.

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