Chapter 4 || Hospital Flowers

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I took a deep breath as I put on a song, hoping it could calm my nerves.

I was twenty-two.

Alone with nothing to do. And I couldn't sleep... (1)

After we had found my mom on the floor, we didn't waste time calling 911. I was frozen from the moment Nathan placed the call to the time the ambulance arrived. I vaguely remember Nathan being instructed to give her CPR, but it all seemed like a blur now. I was allowed to come with her to the hospital, and after saying goodbye to Nathan, I hopped into the back of the ambulance and rode with her to the ER.

But once we arrived, I wasn't allowed to go in with her and was now sitting in the waiting room. I had already contacted my dad, and he said he was on his way, but I was a bit late with the call, and the hospital wasn't by any means close to our house.

So now all I could do was sit and wait for any news. So I grabbed my earphones and tried my best to calm down with some music. Which was helping for the most part

Sweet summer day

I'm so afraid. So take me away - (1)

Okay, never mind. I paused the song and took out my earphones. Soon, the calmness was replaced by hospital noises.

Everywhere there were sounds, beeping of machines, rolling of wheels from the beds passing by. And talking from nurses, doctors, and other people. And it wasn't helping. "Heather! There you are -" Suddenly, my dad came running down the hall, followed by Chris.

I quickly got up, tears forming as I ran up to hug him. "Are you okay?" He asked, I could clearly hear the pain in his voice. I just shook my head, not saying anything. "What happened?!" He pulled away and crouched down to eye level. I wiped my tears away and tried my best to explain.

"I just - we heard a crash, and when we came down to check, mom was -" He rubbed my back to try and calm me down. "We called 911, and they brought her here, but I don't know what is going on right now." I tried my best to calm down, but my emotions took over as tears started streaming down my face.

"Ok, calm down." It's okay." My dad said, pulling me into a hug. "You two just wait here. I'll go talk to the doctor." He let go and looked me in the eyes. I couldn't see he had been crying as well. He stood back up and made his way to the front desk. Chris and I took a seat in the waiting room.

"Do you think she's gonna be okay?" I asked him after a bit of silence. He turned to look at me from his zoned-out stare. "Yeah, of course." He smiled confidently, taking my hand. "Just wait - she gonna get better in no time." He assured me. I leaned back, trying my best to believe him. But I couldn't help but feel scared.

We waited for the next few minutes, as Dad was in deep conversation with the doctors. I watched as they talked, not being able to hear them from this far away. I couldn't read much emotion on the doctor's face, but my dad's face was way more expressive. And by the look on his face, I could tell it wasn't all good news.

I watched as he said goodbye to the doctor and made his way back over to us. He let out a deep sigh as he sat down in between us. Forcing us to scootch over.

"What did he say?" Chris asked. "Is she okay?" I added. Dad looked down for a bit, thinking about how to bring us the news. "She's okay- for now." He said. Both Chris and I let out a sigh of relief. I felt the tears form again, but this time they were happier.

"But it's gonna take her a long time to recover-" he added. We both went silent again as we waited for him to continue. "The doctors will explain this to us better later." He sat back up. "All we can do now is wait until she wakes up" I Looked up at my dad concerned, "What do you mean, wake up?" I asked. I turned to look myself in the eyes, but couldn't hold eye contact. "Your mom she- her heart stopped." He said.

We all went silent, trying to take in the information. "What? You- no- '' Chris tried but couldn't form a sentence. "Right now, she's in a coma, but the doctors said there is a high chance she'll wake up-" Dad explained. "We just don't know when that is."

We all sat there, saying nothing to each other. At this point I wasn't sure what I felt, it wasn't sadness, or maybe it was. The only way I could describe it was empty. After about an hour of waiting, the doctors told us we could come in. But thinking back, I wish I didn't.

Mom was there, but she wasn't really. She was lying in the bed, all sorts of wires attached to her. Multiple screens were around her bed, all of them making some sort of beeping noise. I hated it. And I didn't stay in the room long.

While Dad and Chris stayed by her side. I turned around and went to clear my head. I couldn't stay in that room any longer. All of it hurt. I had just made my way out of the hospital when I heard my phone go off. I looked at the screen to see who it was. It was Nathan.

I'm sure he's wondering what was going on as well, and he did save her life. He deserves to know. So I took a deep breath and answered the call.

"Hey? You picked up!" I heard him say. I nodded to myself. "Yeah, of course." I tried my best not to sound like I had been crying. But I didn't do a very good job. "Is everything okay?" He asked. "I- no, not really." I sighed. I walked over to a nearby park bench.

"Is your mom gonna be okay?" He asked, sounding just as concerned as my dad did a few hours ago. I let out a sigh and told him what we knew, and what I just saw. Once I was done he stayed quiet. Probably letting it all set in. "I'm so sorry-" was all he could say.

"It's fine, If it wasn't for you things would have gotten a lot worse-" I said, having to stop myself when I felt like crying again.

"It's gonna be okay-" Nathan said back. "Shell will get better, I'm sure of it-" he said. I've already heard this enough today. Everyone keeps telling me it's gonna be okay- but what if it isn't going to be okay, what if she does recover from this? I wouldn't know what to do...

(1) I Live Alone - Sky Sailing

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