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Seungmin's POV

It was currently Sunday when my friends (mainly Felix and Jisung) had planned to go out to a museum near Station 6

We all decided to take the train, despite some complaints, since they thought it would be fun and exciting. That's why I'm here by Station 3 at 5 in a Sunday morning

I honestly wasn't supposed to be part of this hangout since mom had become a bit strict and told me that I kept on going out with my friends lately

I told my dad about it and we both, suprisingly, persuaded mom to allow me. It took a while and a lot of reasoning with 'please' on the side, but at least I got to go

I looked at my watch to see that it was about 5:12, 8 more minutes before the train arrives. I was a bit bored since there's nothing really to do other than to just stand

I turned my head to look at where the woman (the one who was always waiting for the train as well on weekdays) usually stood. Naturally, she wasn't there

I sighed. I removed the mitten on my right hand as I used it to grab my ice cold phone. I mean, what else can I do? I shivered as I felt my right hand get cold. I tried my best to ignore it as I opened TikTok to watch some vids

I scrolled the first video, which was an ad, and watched the short video that followed. I chuckled a bit as I liked and added it to my favorites

I scrolled again and a cute little cat video showed up. I smiled as I liked the video, that's when I saw the user as I burst out laughing

"MinKnowLee?", I laughed as I quickly press the icon so that I can take a better look at his account. But instead of laughing I quickly shut my mouth at the amount of followers he had

"Fucking hell, 40.1k followers? The fuck...", I said as I pressed his latest video only to see a hand petting a cat

"Woah is the cat cute", I said as I opened the comment section. Some comments were asking him to make a routine video as a guy with a pet cat while some were asking to show what he foods he prepares for the cats.

All of a sudden I hear the train nearing as I quickly turned off my phone, placing it in my pockets, while I grabbed my mitten so that I could immediatelt wear it again

"Station 3. Please be careful of the gap between the train and the platform."

I quickly walked over to the usual passenger car as I looked over to where we (Hyunjin, Jisung and I sat) to see Minho sitting a bit from them, tensed

I quietly chuckled at this, they looked like total strangers. I quietly walked towards them as i saw Hyunjin look up to me as he opened his mouth

But he immediately closed his mouth as I passed by them. I couldn't leave Minho alone. "Hey, why are you sitting here?", I said as I sat beside him

"Are you taking my right to sit where ever I want away?", Minho joked as I laughed and shook my head 'no'. "It's not that, you just looked like a total stranger between Hyunjin and Jisung", I said as he sighed

"Well I didn't want to bother them", he said as he looked away as I hummed. "I guess your right, it's for the best to not butt in"

- - -

We are now at Starbucks, our group being devided into 4. Chan, Changbin, Jisung and Jeongin are at Baskin Robbins. Minho, Hyunjin, Felix and I are at, you guessed it, Starbucks

As soon as we enter, we found a free table near the counter. We all walked over to it sitting one by one. Minho and Felix sat together, leaving Hyunjin and I to sit next to each other

He sat first as I followed. "So, who's going to order?", Felix asked as Minho stood up. "Let me do it, what do you guys want?", Minho said as he took out his phone

"You already know what I want", Felix said winking. "Oh, of course I do.", Minho said bitterly as he typed away

"Alright, what about you guys? Hyunjin? Seungmin?", Minho asked. "Just an Americano. Iced please", Hyunjin said as Minho quickly typed that in

Minho then looked at me as I smiled. "I'll get your regular, Minho.", I said as he smiled back. "Alright, yeah sure", he said as he walked away

"You know his regular?", Felix suddenly asked once Minho was in line. "Uhm, yeah..?", I said confused as he gasped

"No way.", he said which made me more confused. "Huh? What is that suppose to mean?", I said as he just looked at me as if he saw a ghost

"He never shares his secret coffee", Felix said making me laugh almost immediately. "What? That's nonsense", I said laughing harder

"Wait wait wait. Secret coffee? But you never drink coffee", Hyunjin said looking at me. "Oh, that was before.", I said as I felt the akward tension come

"Oh uhm okay", Hyunjin said trying to ease the tension. "Well i need to go to the comfort roon real quick", Felix said as I looked at him

He gave me a 'sorry....' look before standing up to leave for a bit. As he was out of our sight the akward silence just became worse

I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't want to say anything to him. Gosh, i don't even want to look at him. I'm acting like a bitch, but I jusy really don't want anything to do with him

"Do you hate me?"

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