the mall

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"I'm just gonna..." and with that you left, drowning in embarrassment, you see Brooha making her potions as you leave Rascal's room

"Oh? Do you need something, Y/N?" Brooha asked politely

"No, I don't. What are you making?" You pondered at the green liquid in the cauldron, curious as to what it may be

"It's a love potion-"

"Love?! What do you need that for?!" You cut her off, confused as to why she needs a love potion,     that's not even what you're supposed to do

"I'm just practicing, it doesn't hurt to make sure I master all my spells and potions!" Brooha smiled proudly, adding another ingredient to the love potion

"Fair enough," you shrugged, you decided to head to the human world because you can't stay there your whole life

-human realm-

You decided to go to a cafe, you went to the barista and ordered your usual

"Got it! Large Iced shaken espresso with 12 pumps of pistachio syrup, almond milk, and a sleeve!" The barista said, you were honestly surprised he didn't forget it

You smiled, going to sit down at a lone table to wait, you scrolled through your phone

"Order for Y/N!" The barista said, putting your coffee on the pick-up table

"Cool" you grabbed the coffee, taking a nice sip, you smiled warmly, you gathered your stuff and decided to go to the mall

As you headed inside the mall, you noticed the 5 girls who Rascal fought yesterday, you scoffed, rolling your eyes at their happy expressions

One of them called your name, you went over to them

"What were you doing yesterday?" "Who even are you?" "Why did you do that?" The girls questioned you, all a bit heated

"I have a question to ask you as well, Who are you to pry into my business?" You had a comeback, the girls scoffed, rolling their eyes at you, you did the same. You walked away, sipping your coffee and ignoring when one of them told you to come back

You went into a secluded spot, just looking through the windows at the trees as you sat

"Good comeback!" Rascal said, his annoying voice heard from behind you, you slightly wanted to punt him into the ground

You moved your head, looking at his masked face, you took a sip of your coffee as you stared menacingly into his soul

"What's wrong?" he asked you, a bit scared from the stare

"I'm already ticked off, don't annoy me today" you were a bit mad from those girls, you can't deal with his annoying voice, nor his actions

He crossed his arms, his smile turning to a frown, "Fine...I guess I'll just do my usual work."

You were actually a bit sad that you said that to him, but you didn't care a lot. He disappeared, you took another sip of your coffee before falling asleep


I'm sorry for my long break, I just haven't been in the writing mood as of late! please enjoy this food!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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