The Lesson

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"If she agrees to this, two rules for you, brother. One, no kissing. Two, your clothes stay on."


Standing in Anthony's study, you fidget with your robe. Tonight will be a first. There are butterflies in your stomach from nerves, yes, but also a tinge of excitement.

"You'll be wonderful," Anthony soothes. "Thank you again for doing this," he adds sincerely, giving you a quick kiss as there is a knock at the door.

"Come in," he calls.

Anthony's brother, Benedict, enters the room, closing the door behind himself. Anthony gestures towards a chair a few feet in front of his desk.

This is the first time you have met his slightly younger brother. A little taller than Anthony, his hair is unmistakably Bridgerton chestnut brown, but whereas Anthony's eyes are a warm brown, his are piercing blue. Predictably, you find him attractive too. No wonder every lady of the ton wants to land herself a Bridgerton.

"Brother, welcome. I hope this evening proves educational for you." Anthony wanders to his bureau and pours three brandies. Handing one to you, one to Benedict. "As you know, this is a special type of intimate arrangement, and I believe I explained before how this works."

"I recall. What are your words?" Benedict has a genuine curiosity.

"We use green for continue and red for stop. You will hear me ask for a colour sometimes. Although I know much of what my girl likes and does not like." He reaches over and touches your face briefly before continuing. "Having a spectator is a new thing, but my girl has agreed to this so that you can learn more."

You take a fortifying sip of your brandy.

"Thank you" Benedict looks at you directly; the sincerity of his voice is touching. You smile shyly in return.

"She has also agreed for you to partake in certain activities," Anthony clarifies.

Benedict's lips part slightly in surprise, a bloom of pink dusting his cheeks. Oh, that is adorable. You decide that you would very much like him to take part.

"Any other questions?" Anthony asks, coming closer to you and placing his arm loosely around your waist.

"None yet," Benedict replies, relaxing back in his chair and taking a drink.

"Excellent, then we shall begin," Anthony says brusquely. Before turning his face to your ear.


"Yes," you murmur, glancing over at Benedict and placing your glass aside.

The arm around your waist disappears, and Anthony stands up very straight. He grabs your chin hard and pulls your face up to look at him.

"Take off your robe," he commands.

While he holds your chin up, you immediately scramble to untie your robe, pushing it off your shoulders and letting it fall to a heap on the floor.

You hear Benedict take a sharp inhale. You are completely naked.

"Good girl. Now, what did I tell you expressly not to do this week?" Anthony intones, his hand slipping from your chin to hold your throat.

"Touch myself," you reply.

"And what did I find you doing this morning?" He asks, knowing full well the answer. He had said he would deal with your insolence later. Now, it appears, is that later.

"My lord, I..." you protest.

"What did I find you doing?" Anthony snarls, crowding into you, his fingers digging in a little.

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