Lessons In Breeding

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You pause in front of the portrait of a naked pregnant woman, taking a sip of your champagne. The intimate parts of her are mostly obscured behind translucent silks. Her pregnant belly is bare as she cradles it proudly, her skin glowing; everything about her looks almost ethereal yet so earthy and powerful. It is such a provocative piece you can understand why it is only being shown at private parties such as this one, hosted by Mr Granville.

"Like what you see?" the dusky voice suddenly at your right ear asks.

You inhale sharply, instantly responding to the mere sound of his voice, something very Pavlovian in it. "Yes, I think she looks beautiful," you reply quietly, tamping down your need to throw yourself into him, begging for his fingers in your mouth.

"She does indeed," he is standing so close behind you can feel the heat radiating off him through his shirt. "Would you like to look like that? Swollen so beautifully with a baby?"

It's not something you have thought about much beyond the abstract idea that you wish for children someday. But then, so many things in your life are about to change, and this could be one.

"Maybe," you deflect.

Large hands encircle your waist. "Mmm, just imagine," he begins, his chest pressing warm on your spine. "How beautiful you would look, your belly all rounded," his hands slide up and cup your chest as you moan lightly. "Your breasts so full, and oh gosh," one hand slides down to the apex of your thighs, cradling it through your dress, "the smell and taste of you, so ripe, so juicy. You would be divine," he assures.

"Stop," you scold gently, but it's too breathy, the carnal images he so easily paints with his words haunting you as you rock in his arms.

"Would you like me to impregnate you, my darling?" he murmurs, his teeth pulling at your earlobe. "I could fuck you so hard and deep and leave my seed inside you. Over and over. And you know my brother would do the same in a heartbeat."

Your breath quickens at the thought. They have always been careful to ensure they do not release inside you; it's a strict pact you have in place that they have always respected and obeyed. But perhaps that may change with what is impending.

"My husband-to-be, you mean," your eyes cut sideways, and he stiffens.

"Yes, of course, I sometimes forget you are soon to be the Viscountess," he bows his head, a flare of something in his eyes you know is jealousy.

"Benedict..." you sigh, sensing he needs reassurance; you pull him into a quiet alcove. "You know this is the only way the three of us can be together, for always. I love you just as much," you vow quietly, touching his cheek. "But you know well I cannot marry you both, at least not in the eyes of the law. There would be many questions if Anthony were to remain unwed much longer. You know it is much easier for you to live with us as an apparent bachelor at Aubrey Hall than any other arrangement."

All the facts you lay out, well known to you both, don't stop the imploring look he gives you.

"I will marry you symbolically in a ceremony in the woods, down by the lake," you whisper, appealing to his bohemian romantic side. "I will wear your ring proudly, too," you promise. "I am as much yours as I am his. And always will be. I cannot be without either of you."

He beams and crowds into you, sliding his lips down your neck.

"And yes, I will bear your children, my love," you sigh as his actions make you pliant in his hands, as they always do. You grab his face to ensure he meets your gaze, his eyes dancing. "Nothing would make me prouder than bearing both of your babies, so yes, my love, the answer is yes."

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