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A few days later, I headed over to the supermarket to buy those crisps Sophia had given me the other day. I looked through the aisles, rolling my cart around, and found where all the yummy crisps were. I didn't know which one to get, the company had so many different flavours!

I called Sophia to see which one she'd recommend.

"Hey, I'm at Tesco and I need your help," I told her over the phone. "Which one should I get?" I flipped over the camera.

She thought for a moment. "The chicken one, I told you to try something new!"

I grabbed the chicken flavoured crisps and placed them into my cart, then said into the phone, "Thanks bae!"

"Of course, maybe you could like buy the spicy ones too, or maybe—"

This is when the unexpected happened. I heard a voice call out my name. "Nora?" it questioned.

I took a deep breath and said, "Who's Nora? I'm not Nora..."

Sophia mouthed over the phone, "Who's saying your name?"

I mouthed, "I don't know."

The voice sounded oddly familiar... I just couldn't identify the person quickly.

"Nora, I'm not dumb... turn around," the voice said.

Therefore, I turned myself around... and the familiar voice just happened to be Mason's. He was standing there, looking at me directly in the eyes. "I knew it," he mumbled.

I rolled my eyes. "Are you just everywhere now? Are you stalking me?"

He shook his head and denied, "No, no, no..."

"MASON???" Sophia yelled out in such shock.

"Hey Sophia..." he greeted awkwardly.

"Bye now," I said over the phone, then ended the call.

"So, my mum just wanted me to get these um... crisps for her... I didn't know you'd be here..."

"Nice of you, I guess..."



We both stood there awkwardly, kind of speechless with zero words coming out of our mouths.

"I'm going to go now... It was um... nice seeing you— um again," I hesitated, starting to walk away.

"Wait!" he yelled. "Can we talk?"

I walked back to him. "Fine..."

"I can't stop thinking about it, it's just... a terrible feeling because it's like we were just a memory or some shit."

I sighed, "Do you not think I've been thinking that way too? Maybe we were just a memory, a good one, a memory I won't ever forget."

"Yeah," he agreed. "I know you felt that way... I guess, probably why you haven't been on social media for a bit."

"Why are you bringing social media into this?"

"I'm sorry..."

"Why are you sorry? I should be the one sorry."

"Oh," he mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"I'm really sorry for being a bad girlfriend, I truly am. I regret making those choices these past days, weeks, maybe even months. I'd cause so many problems over the dumbest reasons, so sorry for that..."

"It's fine, I forgive you..."

"You can't..."

"Yes I can..."

"I literally did so many things that made me a whole walking red flag, why would you forgive me?"

He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Because I love you, and I miss us."

I moved away his hand from my shoulder. "Mason, you know damn well if we get back together, I'm gonna hurt you."

"Can we just... forget everything?"

I raised up an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"Yeah," he said, nodding his head. "Just start over... you know..."

I shrugged. "I don't know..." I mumbled.

"Let's just become what everyone expected us to become, you know what I mean? Because that's what I want too..."

"Yeah, same..."

He sighed, "Let me ask this again: Can we just start over and forget everything that happened in the past?"

I smiled and chuckled, "I'd love that."

We pulled each other in for a tight romantic hug. Once we both pulled away, he pulled me back in, not for a hug, but for a kiss. We casually moved in sync, it was just perfect.

That was when I knew we were truly meant for each other: we still cared and loved each other, despite all the shit that happened. It was unconditional love, the type of love most people might not have for a person.

Then, something stopped us from kissing. A voice that sounded like a worker yelled out, "No kissing in the aisles! There's children here."

We both pulled away, looked over to where the loud voice came from. We saw a worker along with 5 other people who raised their phones, perhaps recording us...

"We should leave," I whispered in his ear.

He smiled and nodded his head. "We should."

So then, Mase and I quickly exited the aisle. Many people, assuming were fans, yelled out our names to get our attention. We didn't get the crisps we were supposed to get for whatever reason. Luckily, I left with something better than chicken crisps... which was Mason.

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