Fight or Flight

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Fight or Flight

After wondering around my house I headed for my room. Just as my fingers brushed cold metal door knob a loud crash came from outside.

I bolted for the stairs, the sound of breaking glass and bending metal filled my ears. There were some shouts, angry cries almost.

I tore open the front door, nearly taking it off it's hinges. A crumpled piece of metal and glass laid on my front lawn. There was some blood smeared on the road, and the night was eerily silent.

I flicked on the outside lights so they illuminated the damp grass. The smell of blood hit hard, I wasn't used to my sense being this acute. I ran to the crumpled car.

Where was the other vehicle? I wondered looking around the dark street. Nothing.

I found something that looked like the drivers side of the car. The interior looked like it had been crushed in.

"A fist?" I wondered out loud my fingers tracing four indents on the car door. My eyes traveled down further, more marks covered the door, and most of the car.

Something skidded away from my foot as I moved to the next part of the car. I hope no one was inside. I glanced over the grass to something silver. Tentivly I walked over and picked it up.

All sound seemed to vanish, all I could hear was the beating of my own heart. My breathing caught in my throat and I tried hard to keep the tears back.


That was what the little metal peice said. It was the emblem from a black Ford Focus. "Alpha?" I called out looking around.

I ran to the smear on the road and smelled it. I whipped out my phone and hit send, the last number dialed was his cell.

It rang a few times and someone answered it. I heard one word. "Run!" the line went dead. I punched in another number and waited for someone to pick up.

How many time was it going to ring?

"Hello?" Hanks lazy voice replied.

"You have to get to my house. Now!" I said quickly.

"We're on our way!" he replied suddenly intense. I closed my phone and looked at the thick forest around me. I have to find him.

I stripped there in the middle of the road and shifted. I lied to him when I said I hadn't shifted yet, in fact I had shifted every night since I had been invited into the pack.

I sniffed the blood again and dropped my clothes beside it, they will have to follow me.

'White! Why did you shift?' boris snapped in my mind. I forgot they could communicate with their minds.

'Alpha's missing. His car is scrap on my front lawn and theres blood on the ground. I'm heading into the forest to look for him.' I replied.

'split up!" he said I heard several other voices reply. 'white, wait for black claw!' I stopped half stride. Which one was that again? I wondered.

Seconds later an ash gray wolf with black claws and white ears leapt beside me. 'Let's go!" Hank said. I nodded and bolted for the trees. 'Damn your fast girl!' he called behind me.

'Thanks!' I called back. I kept the smell close, weaving through the trees of the forest so well. My family knew these woods better than anybody in the whole town mostly because my father was always to putting out forest fires, but also I spent three days wondering around the forest alone.

'You know where your going?' Hank called to me.

'I'm following the sent!" I said weaving around another tree.

The smell split into three paths. Two towards the mountains one towards town. 'You follow that one,' I pointed to the one leading to town. 'I'll take these ones!" he nodded and moved swiftly down the path.

What was that smell?

It had been very faint before but now, it hit me full force. I stumbled to a halt and looked around. The smell surrounded me.

Slowly several figures stepped out from the dark forest. They all grinned at me, sharp pointed teeth. 'Your freaking kidding me!'

"A little far from your pack little wolf!" one of them called to me. Their pale skin reeked of rotting flesh, every time they moved a new wave of stench hit my nose.

'White where are you? What's going on?' Boris's voice snapped.

'I'm near the mountains, I'm surrounded by... The walking dead?' I answered. Several growls filled my head.

'Hang tight we're coming.' he responded.

"Little wolf!" the thing called again. I snapped back to attention. "Kind of pretty for a freak." he hissed and slowly started to circle me. The others laughed around me. I growled at him and hunched my shoulders, ready to attack.

'Betaaaa!' I whimpered though still growling.

'Hang on kid almost there,' came his calm reply.

"I've never seen this coloring before." another called. He started moving around the circle.

"You know I've always wanted a wolf skin rug." the first one said. "Never saw one that had a pattern that didn't make me want to be sick." they laughed and took a leap closer to me. I snapped and growled staying low on my hunches.

Half of me wanted to kill them, the other wanted to run.

Run as far away from this place as I could.

"Sorry sweetie but we're going to kill you now." the called out sarcastically. An excited hiss escaped the blue lips of those around me.

One started it, running forward faster than anything I had ever seen. He was a speeding bullet. I swung my head to the side and snapped at him, getting cold flesh in my mouth. Disgusted he left it just as fast. 'Ewww!!! They taste horrible!' I cried trying to spit all flavor out of my mouth.

He shouted angrily and the others ran in. I spun and snapped at them hoping that I could fend them off. Another cry filled the night. Seven giant wolves leaped out on the shadows and took down the advancing beings.

"Get off our land!" Beta shouted and a human voice. He pushed one of them down and growled in his face.

The air was still and silent fora moment. Then everyone was growling and hissing I joined in not liking the mood things were taking. These things scared me... Scared the living shot out of me and there was no other way to put it.

Their scent was burning into my nostrils and I wanted nothing more then get as far away from them.

"Maybe we should start over." one of the things said. He smiled and stood straight.

"There's nothing to talks about!!" beta barked. No one moved, the air was once again filled with the eerie still silence. I shuddered but forced my self to smell the air to try and pick up alphas scent. It was almost blocked by their fetish stench. Almost.

The wolves growled aging and they all started ripping at each others throats. I dodged a few bodies and high tailed it out of there.

I had to find Al, the pack needed him. People might think I'm running away from the pack right now, but for some reason I needed to find before I helped the others. It was like something inside of me knew that he was in danger, and I was the one who had to find him.

The scent was still faint and covered by the rotten flesh beings, but I knew the smell I knew it very well.

I leapt over a river bend and pushed myself forward as fast as I could, hoping that with some flicker of hope I would be able to reach him before... Before bad comes to worse.

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