Chapter 10.5: Featured Extra

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I said to my friend toad ( _randomdude_ ) on my Wattpad discord "what would u do if I asked u to write a chapter for my fic" and she agreed to do so. I sent what I had so far of last chapter, and we each wrote our versions. It was really fun and got me in the mood to write lol.
As a reminder, this chapter ⚠️IS NOT⚠️ canon for the fic; 'tis for funzies
Also, Toad chose the chapter art.
Without further ado, carrying on from:

"Bakugou squawks and flails as something is smooshed onto his head, flattening his hair. When his eyes open to glare fiercely at his teacher, he sees that it is a baseball cap.

Undaunted, Aizawa stares back with slightly narrowed eyes as he turns the car off and pockets the key. He says firmly, 'Keep your head down, kid, and try not to talk. Definitely don't yell and swear, or people will recognize you. We want to draw as little attention as possible. There's no way that'll happen, but it doesn't hurt to try.'"

We have Toad's chapter~


Bakugou mumbles something incoherent under his breath about Aizawa being a mother, which Aizawa himself elected to ignore.

A near-identical struggle to the one Aizawa had helping Bakugou in to the car repeated itself in helping him out. It was the only reasonable response for the kid, after all. Although, the outside air did feel undeniably good on Bakugou's face and so-sore-they-burned (but he would never admit that) muscles.

If there was one thing Bakugou could try to keep semi-intact, it was his self-respect. His physical body and dignity were already gone, so he might as well take the lead going into the store to make sure Aizawa knows that he knows that he knows what he wants.

"Are you just going to sit there scowling or are we going in?" Aizawa asks pretentiously, snapping Bakugou out of the rant about respect and humility running through his head. Bakugou snarls (like a furry) and moves toward the store, accidentally going way too fast to maintain his pace with his now-weak noodle arms but unwilling to slow down due to his ever-present need to appear mighty and superior to everyone around him.

In his defense, he made it all the way to the completely inaccessible storefront.

Aizawa appears beside him a second later and glares down at the stairs, quietly complaining about having to help Bakugou up them. The blond crosses his arms and pouts, ready to ask to either go somewhere else or, better yet, go back to Aizawa's place. Of course, nothing ever goes Bakugou's way.

"Need any help?" Someone approaching from Bakugou's right asks. Aizawa looks to Bakugou for his opinion, to which he shrugs irritatedly. Aizawa shrugs back and accepts the young girl's offer. She and Aizawa team up to lift the wheelchair up the couple steps (why did he even need help with this, again? He was a hero, goddamnit!) and gently place it inside the store. Aizawa thanks the girl, nudges Bakugou to do the same, and she leaves without another word.

Bakugou looks around the store, hoping something will instantly catch his eye so he can grab it and leave ASAP. There are lots of colors and Bakugou suddenly realizes that this doesn't look like a home-decor place at all: "Why are there cakes and pastries?"

"Oops, guess we went into the place across the street."

"And all you have to say to that is 'oops'?!"

Aizawa opens his mouth to warn Bakugou about keeping his voice down, but it's far too late. The children at the café for their brunch snacks are already under Bakugou's nose asking questions, their parents have no intentions of stopping them, and even the elderly folk sipping their tea are listening in on the commotion.

"What happened to you?"

Got hurt.

"Are you gonna fight crime again soon?"

As soon as Aizawa lets me out of his sight.

"I heard you're going to have your own merch line and action figures!"

...Ok, that would be awesome.

"My mom said she won't let me get them, though."

Less awesome.

"Gaki, time to go," one of the children's mother's stated extremely disapprovingly. "Meiwaku, you too. I'll take you home so you don't have to walk." Two of the kids followed the woman out of the café begrudgingly, dragging their feet the whole way out. The mother of the third kid materialized in front of Bakugou, glaring harshly.

"I hope you're proud of yourself. My poor baby boy here wants to put his life in danger by becoming a hero just like you," she spat. Bakugou's mouth gaped open and shut like a fish before Aizawa finally stepped in.

"I think that's enough. If you don't want your kid interacting with him, you shouldn't set a bad example for him, right?" The woman gave one last scowl before picking up her child and leaving the café.

"Hi... we're sorry, but you two have caused quite the commotion since you came in and we're going to have to ask you to leave."

"Good, I didn't want to be here in the first place," Bakugou mumbled. Aizawa gave him a look that let him know to shut up before apologizing to the employee and guiding Bakugou out of the café, struggling to get him down the steps himself but managing it in the end. "Are you sure you still want to take me to the actual store? You know, I think we've had enough excitement for one day."

"Shut the-" Aizawa cut himself off and took a breath. "Yes, we're going. Just don't cause a scene this time." Bakugou rolled his eyes and Aizawa whacked him upside his head. "Now is not the time. Head down, kid." And off they went to try again.

Check her out at _randomdude_ ! :3
It's dang good stuff, especially the bit with the kids and mom imo. Loooooved that part. I was cackling all chapter. I hope u enjoyed this little deviation from the norm :3 this is my first permanent non-canon chapter (made one before for a vote but then deleted it) (what a special lil Toad)



Word Count: 800

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