Chapter one. My Terrible Life

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Maria's P.O.V
*alarm clock rings* Stupid alarm clock! I look at the time and it says 7:45. Aw crap I'm gonna be late! Well at least I won't have to bump into Jordan so early in the morning! Jordan had been bullying me for the past 4 years! So I've had my own problems to deal with. It had started in grade 6 with him becoming one of those populars that think they are better than everyone else! So he bullied me since I was the most dorkiest in school and everyone knew it. I knew it. I had the most nerdiest look ever and nobody, not even my sorta friends could deny it. I looked terrible! First of all, I had braces, those kinds of glasses that were big and bulgy and looked good on no one! I also would were baby clothing like a yellow t-shirt with a duckling on it with blue pants! I was a laughing stalk! But as being the normal me I decided looks didn't matter! Well apparently, it did. Just a day or two later, I started getting, zits or pimples and acne! I still thought I was beautiful because everywhere I went, I say people point their fingers at my and smile! So I thought I looked amazing even with all the nerdy stuff on me! Even a teacher gasps when a came in the room! She must have been so happy to see me! Well I was wrong. So terribly wrong. When they pointed at me and smiled, they were laughing AT me, not with me. And the teachers was so surprised that I was so ugly, she had a stroke after school. I guess I am just a mistake on earth. Even the fellow nerds laughed at me! I had had enough. That's why yesterday, I started cutting my wrist and cutting myself. And it was all Jordan's fault. He was the one that started all of it. Now that he started, I will end it. Just as I was about to cut myself again, my mom and dad came in saying they had to go to work now. So I said bye and all that junk and started getting dressed. I was wearing a pink shirt that best person ever! I always tried to dress cool so people wouldn't laugh at me, but it never worked. I always got bullied over and over again anyways so it didn't matter anymore. I had blue pants and bright green sneakers. After I got dressed, I just ignored breakfast because as I always think, if you don't eat breakfast, you will surely starve to death calmy and collectively. So I just grabbed my lunch bag and backpack and started walking. It was raining. Perfect! When I got to class I gs e the late slip to the teacher and he excused me. I went to go sit in my seat bit before I could, my homeroom teacher told me I know say next to Jordan since he knew I had problems seeing the board so he moved me next to Jordan. Great, best day ever! OK I say miserably. Jordan tries to talk to me, but I do my best to ignore him. The only words that got out of him that I heard were you were a mistake. That really made me feel depressed. Well after school I just went home and continued cutting until my parents got home. And from there on, I just continued that for next 3 years.

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