Praise me more~

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sexual content

(4 this story hobie has a praise kink and super needy and touchy when he's high 😼😉)

Pavitirs POV

our first year of college was ending and our little group of 4 we're going to celebrate today at me and hobs dorm. Me and hobie been getting so close over the months and I get this weird feeling whenever I think of him, see him, and when he's close to me. 

(Time skip to the day of the celebration)

9:32 pm

"they should be here any se-"


"Miles I told you not to keep barging screaming like that!"

"sorry mom. By the way where's hobie?"

"Oh he's in his room I'll go get him"

I opened the door to our room and saw hobie just laying there

"Hob the rest of the group is here, let's go"

"Pav I'll be there in a minute "

"okay hob"

I headed back to the kitchen to see miles giving Gwen a kiss on the cheek I just looked at them wishing hobie was giving me a kiss (same 😭🙏)

"Pav u okay?" -G

"yeah just zoned out sorry guys, oh and hobie will be out here in a minute" -P

"hey guys" -H

"what up hobie" -M

"hey hobie we were just about to start drinking u want a shot?" -G

"yeah hand me one"-H

Hobie POV

I took out my e cig and took a hit I let the smoke out making a ghost

"Woah hobie you smoke?"-M

"Yeah just on some days"

I saw pav eyes looking at the smoke coming out my mouth he looked up to see me and turned away I could see he was blushing. I swear pav give me a weird feeling I tried talking to miles about it but he just told me I'm in love or what ever I mean I couldn't be in love with Pavitir!

"Hob are u okay?"-P

"Yeah luv I'm alright"-H

After some hours we decided to watch a movie and that miles parents were going to have a cook out and go come. they put on final destination 3 (best one ong 🗣️🔥)  Pavitir flinched at some parts I found it very adorable until the rollar coaster scene he let out a loud gasp when they died. it also seemed miles and Gwen got scared and they started talking about that scene at that point I was high as fuck i knew I shouldn't have smoked today. I was staring at Pavitirs neck since he was sitting in between my legs I got a good view of his head. I started thinking about the day I gave him all those hickeys his skin tasted so sweet like coconuts and a bit of banana. "hey Pav look to the left real quick"-H "yeah but wh-" I took a bite on his neck and licked the spot "Nghh~" pav let out a liltle whine music to my ears miles and gwen seemed to ignore it so I took another bite this time I pressed down harder and licked the spot again "Aghh~" pav let out a loud moan loud enough for the other 2 to hear and covered his mouth

 "hey Pav look to the left real quick"-H "yeah but wh-" I took a bite on his neck and licked the spot "Nghh~" pav let out a liltle whine music to my ears miles and gwen seemed to ignore it so I took another bite this time I pressed down harder and...

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(Miles and Gwen's face☠️)


He dragged me to the room and closed the door I was just looking at him with a grin

"why did u bite me out of no where"-P

"I jus needed to take a little taste test on you"-H

"am I like some cake or something?"-P

"You can be my cake luv"-H

He started blushing and smiling he was about to open the door but I stopped him

"Don't leave yet stay here for just some minute pav"-H

"ughhh fine"-H

He sat on the bed he was admiring my piercings

"did they hurt when u got them?"-P

"huh? Oh my piercings they don't really hurt only the first time it did hurt"-H

"I wonder how u would look like with out piercings"-P

"I can take them off if I would li-"-H

"No it's alright ur fine the way you are piercings or not you'll always be handsome to me"
Pavitir said as he cupped my face. My face started to heat up and a felt myself getting hard at his comment.

"don't stop luv..."-H

"what do u mean don't stop?"-P

"pav please.. Praise me more~"-H

Pavitir had no idea what I was talking about then he looked down to see that I was hard

"ohh I see" Pavitir said with a grin

he started unbuckling my pants and unzipping the zipper with his teeth since when did he learn all this? He took off my boxer and it imidiatly sprung up

3rd person POV

Pavitir started stroking hobies member thinking of a way to make it fit inside his month. Pavitir started licking the top and hobie let out a little gasp of the sudden touch of the shorter boys tongue. Hobie couldn't help it no longer he grabbed Pavitirs head and shoved it all through Pavitirs eyes winded them he starting bobina his head up and down "ngh.." hobie was letting small groans. Pavitir started picking up the pace and hobie was getting close to his climax "pav take ur mouth out.." Pavitir knew hobie was reaching his climax so he picked the speed even more making hobie cum in his mouth.

"Pav don't swallow it spit it out"

"too late" 

"when did you get so good pav"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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