Starting Again

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*Calls, amongst others.*

Honami's Chance
Chapter I

It was due to my father's influence upon me that I was raised the way I was. Cold, Ruthless, etc.

I was The Demon of The White Room. Just like my father, I didn't care about anyone other than myself. My father did care for me, but not in the way that you may think.


In the end, winning is all that matters.

Those were the words my father instilled in me.

For a decent portion of my childhood, I had agreed with him. But after the White Room had temporarily shut down, I grew suspicious, eventually, I strayed from my father, as some people would say.

I was curious about The World of Education outside of the White Room, so I made a decision.

I would take my chances and enroll at the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School, established by the Japanese government to nurture young graduates that will one day support the country. It guarantees a 100% employment and college entry rate, and with thorough, state-directed teaching methods, it spares no effort in pursuing the nation's desired future.

I wonder, just how long will it be? Before my father decides to take action?


Part of the reason I strayed from my father wasn't just because of his teachings, which I secretly despised. It was because I knew my heart is damaged. Some would say beyond repair.

In fact, most of the children I had gone to the White Room with had their hearts damaged by the White Room.

They, including me, eventually became robots.

It was the goal of the White Room to have children be nurtured and raised with a complete education straight from birth.

Many of the children there were never eligible to fully understand the academics or the physical training in the White Room. Some passed out, some had to be hospitalized.

I, myself, was from the Demonic 4th Generation of the White Room. Which had the hardest and most cruel course of all generations.

And yet, I was the only survivor.

It was an utterly cruel place to be raised.

It was because... maybe I could repair my heart?

I knew staying in the White Room wouldn't do anything to accomplish that goal. So I had to go out... to the real world. Experiencing what it was like just might be able to solve that problem.

But I can guarantee this...

My father will take action. He will try to get me expelled.

He won't stop until he gets what he wants. Since I enrolled in this school of my own will, he cannot force me to drop out. As that's a decision only I can make, of course, I don't intend to leave anytime soon. For all I know, his authority doesn't go past the white room.

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