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A sleeping beauty, huh?

A sleeping beauty, huh?

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That's what some might call what was in front of him. You might ask... "How did this happen?"


Strange, is it not? She always smells like citrus. No matter the case, she smells sweet. It was a scent, one that somehow complimented her hair... if that makes any sense.


In terms of beauty, she excels.
In personality, she excels, greatly.
Even in terms of her proportions, she excels... greatly in that sense.


But as the prized product of that facility, why did I feel so strange around her yesterday?


I just ignored the feeling... but it did pique my curiosity indeed. It even got to the point where I stuttered whilst speaking to her, something I've never done to anyone.


But... what is there to be curious about, exactly?


I could just be overthinking it, this feeling. My calculations can be an overestimate at times after all.




Now that I think about it... where am I?


It's white... just like...


No, that's the last place I'd be... That's not my concern right now.






I heard a gentle voice. The woman in front of me had slightly adjusted her position as she continued to peacefully sleep.


Was she always this beautiful, I wonder?


I'm moving too fast... I should just ignore this for now.


But... if this gaping hole in my heart were to be patched up one day, could she be the reason?


After all, half of my goal for coming to this school was to repair my heart... Was it not?


But... I'm inhuman. Do I even deserve it?


Another day goes by.

Another day goes by

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Yes... I'm just dreaming.


No, this is not Chapter 3.

I'd like to thank my beta-reader,  AnanoDeprituse

Honami's ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now