The Other Side Of The Coin

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*Calls, amongst others.*

Honami's Chance
Chapter III

With Honami - Morning


Slowly awakening from her slumber, a rather beautiful woman could be seen in her room. Honami Ichinose.

She watched as the sun began to rise, signaling a new day for whatever was to come.

She wore her pajamas during her sleep, it was a simple pink-colored shirt and pants with some intricate designs. One of the shirt's buttons fell off during her sleep, exposing a portion of her bust size.

She checked the time on her nightstand, it was 6:00 AM, just about an hour and a half before school started.


"Yawnn..." - She stretched.


'I'd say we're off to a good start, it's the third day!'
'But overall, I'm glad. I managed to make many friends during this period. And our class seems to be getting along exceptionally well.'

'However... there's something that I can't get out of my mind.'


'...I really don't understand it... He's so inconspicuous, but he's also so smart at the same time.'

'I spent a pretty decent amount of time with him during these past few days, due to us being in the same class.'

'When I first met him on the bus, he was a rather nice person from the first impression, as he did give his seat to the elderly woman.'

'And he did back me up when I tried to convince the class to behave their best, he did so by pointing out one of the hidden cameras.'


'But other than that, he's basically invisible to the class.'

'He seems decent enough in terms of interacting with others...'

'...But he always has such an emotionless face... his eyes are always dull, as it is devoid of any emotion. And while he is decent enough at interacting with others, I feel like he's hiding something, a whole different side from anyone and everyone.'

'Maybe he's having trouble expressing himself? Well, that can't be it... seeing as he managed to pull off his introduction just fine.'

'Maybe he's having family trouble...? I mean, it's certainly a possibility.'

'Or maybe, he could be badly heartbroken...? That must be terrible. An awfully sad thought... but it could explain why he looks so emotionless.'
'Just like... a robot.'

'Or maybe an incident in his life that led him to be the way he is now?'

All of her theories were plausible... but with no proof to back any of them up, she can't continue.'

'I'm worried for him, but at the same time, he piques my curiosity, I'm interested to see what goes on in his mind, I mean —he found out the school's motives so easily, it honestly gave me goosebumps.'

'Perhaps I should try to get to know him more? '

'If he's hurting in some way, I should help, right?'

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