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Narrative Perspective

Minho glared at Jisung as he playfully stomped out of the room. His cats noticed this and followed him around the house, realising that their owner was upset.

Minho, however, did not notice the three animals that were following him and walked around the house. He was going to go to the living room for his phone when he spotted his empty plate still on the dining table.

Jisung looked at Minho to see what he was doing and saw him eyeing the plate. He was curious as to what the boy would do and stayed to watch.

Just as Minho was about to walk towards the dining table, a meow coming from the three cats stopped him from doing so. He looked at all three of them and began cuddling them together.

Jisung sighed in defeat as he originally wanted Minho to clean his own plate. This would take longer than expected.

Now 8AM in the morning, Jisung called for Minho to get ready for his lessons. Minho whined as he didn't want to leave his cats but Jisung was not going to let him go so easily.

He picked Minho up from the floor and carried him at his front, gripping his thighs so he wouldn't drop the boy. Minho squirmed around in Jisung's arms as he tried to escape, but to no avail.

Fate really just had to have its own way.

Minho didn't want to admit it but the way Jisung gripped his thighs felt heavenly. He tried his best to hold in a sound he didn't know he could make.

Jisung, on the other hand, thought that Minho staying quiet was a good sign and that he was actually trying to behave (A.N : sigh, if only you knew).

As the two were making their way— or possibly just Jisung walking up the stairs and into a room, Que spotted both of the boys and felt her blood boil.

Why does that brat always get everything he wants? What does he have that I don't? I'm literally perfect for Jisung, unlike Minho.

She scoffed as she watched Jisung carry Minho to his study room. Que took out her phone and snapped a photo, knowing exactly what she was going to do with it.

Just you wait, Lee Minho. Jisung will be mine and that will be final.

Que smirked as she continued with her job. She spotted Mr and Mrs Lee walking towards the dining table and immediately went to serve them breakfast.

Jisung carried Minho into the room Mrs Lee had told him about. Minho was being homeschooled, that's why he had a study room for his lessons.

Minho never liked the thought of gaining friends and attending a school full of people that he didn't recognise or know. The idea or thought of it just scares him a lot.

That was the reason why Minho was being homeschooled.

He felt a bit weird for his tutor/teacher to see him being carried into the room. But he felt a little bit better when he saw the he wasn't even paying attention to them.

Only when Minho sat on the chair did Mr Lim look at him which the boy was grateful for. Jisung took a seat on the couch next to the two other people, plugging his earphones in while scrolling through youtube videos.

Mr Lim started his lessons by talking about Mathematics.

An hour later, Minho was having some difficulties with a specific question. Mr Lim had explained it to him again but he still didn't understand.

Although not getting the question, he still told the teacher in front of him that he understood. Jisung took note of this and made sure to help Minho with it later.

Jisung was kind of surprised (but not so surprised at the same time) that Minho was behaving well right now. Maybe it was because no one was talking or bothering him while he was studying.

He shrugged it off as he looked back at his phone.

A few minutes later, Minho screamed in frustration as he didn't know how to complete the task assigned.

Mr Lim had left after Minho had told him he understood everything he taught but of course, that was a lie.

Jisung was still sitting on the couch and flinched when he heard the ear piercing scream. He looked at the boy and saw that his hands were pulling at his hair, face scrunching up at the question.

Minho started clicking his pen continuously while occasionally banging his fist on the table. This irritated Jisung and was about to yell for him to stop when he remembered the fact that Minho was scared of loud noises.

"Minho, stop doing that." Jisung said as he rubbed his eyes. Minho looked at him with a frown and continued to shake his leg, pen in hand being aggressively clicked.

Jisung groaned as he slumped into the sofa and brought his hands to his face. Minho glared at the paper in front of him intensively like he wanted to shred it into small pieces.

Jisung couldn't stand the noise anymore and took the pen from Minho, putting a hand over his thigh to stop his leg from moving. Minho tried prying his hand away from him but that caused Jisung to grip onto it tighter.

Minho winced at the pain as he stared at Jisung. "Just because you're more wealthy or have a higher status than me doesn't mean that you can disrespect me. I respect you and I expect you to respect me as well. Got it?"

Minho rolled his eyes but slightly whimpered when the grip on his thigh tightened. He nodded as quick as possible and let out a breath after he felt the hand leave his thigh. It was surely going to leave a bruise there later on.

"Good, now do you need any help?" Jisung said as he smiled brightly at the boy. Minho hesitated before nodding slowly and showing Jisung the question.

The rest of the hour was spent on helping Minho with his assignments. Que had seen the whole scene and took a photo of Jisung placing his hand on Minho's upper thigh, making it look like something else.

The fact the she hadn't been caught secretly taking photos of the two was utterly disappointing.

A.N : I don't like how this story is turning out 😭 I need to motivate myself and use my brain for the plot, omg.

Word Count : 1087


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