Oh, my good looking girl

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The flashing lights were always cruel. It made August feel as though she was a caged animal in a glorified zoo. What was so interesting about her anyway?

Regardless of her distaste for walking the red carpet, August gave a conservative smile, forcing her eyes not to blink too much. Her partner for the event, Isaac, the supporting actor for the movie premiere, tugged at her arm to let her know that it was time to go, much to her relief.

Isaac was a dear friend of hers who was kind enough to take August as his date so she could be seen with Amelia once they were at the event as well as the after party. This particular day played an important role in cementing their relationship amongst the other actors and directors who were attending the event.

The movie premiere went by in a flash with smiles exchanged between August and Amelia throughout the premiere, which did not escape the eyes around them.

It was only during the afterparty that the two were able to properly talk to each other. Amelia was able to escape her co-star's invasive questions and found her way to the singer, who was in a conversation with someone the actress couldn't be bothered to know. "Hi! Would you mind if I borrowed August for a minute?"

August smiled in amusement at the honeyed tone it was delivered.

When it was just the two of them left, August raised an eyebrow at the taller woman. "So, what's the plan exactly?"

"The plan is to stick to each other until it's appropriate to leave." Amelia tugged August towards her using the latter's belt loops.

August almost stumbled into the actress at the force. There was barely any space left between their bodies. "If they still think we're simply friends then I don't know what else to do," She mumbled, catching sight of several actors watching them.

"Perhaps you should kiss me if this isn't working." Amelia's eyes flickered towards the pink lips in front of her.

August saw an actress taking a picture of them, thinking she was being discreet. She'll probably sell it to some tabloid. "Oh it's working, that's for sure."


August laughed at the fake pout on the actress' lips, her focus finding its way back to the deep blues that were already staring at her. Something was different. There was still the nagging feeling in her stomach the first time she gazed into those eyes, but this time, this time...

The singer's rumination was interrupted by the familiar beat of the next song playing in the background. It was rather slow for an afterparty filled with drinking but there it was playing. It brought her back to that time when she asked her ex to dance with her only to get an incredulous look and a hushed "Are you insane?" thrown at her. Natalia was never one to take a risk.

An arm stretched out in front of her made August face the older woman, eyebrows furrowed at the action.

"Dance with me? I think you and I ought to steal the spotlight." Amelia, offered, having noticed the distant look on the singer's face when the song played and the couples around them pulled at their partners for a dance. Amelia rarely cared to do something about her observations but the forlorn look August's face just did not belong there.

Hesitating for a brief second, August almost declined out of fear that Amelia was just joking but after seeing the uncharacteristically kind smile on the older woman, she took her hand and allowed herself to be lead into the middle of the room.

"This is the first time I'm hearing this song. I'm afraid you would have to lead me through it," Amelia spoke against August's ear as she placed her arms around the singer's waist.

"Just hold me and you're good." August had her arms around the taller woman's neck, her fingers lightly tangling with the blonde waves.

"What?" Amelia's voice was on a higher pitch and August took note of the lost look the actress had. If only the lights were brighter, August would have seen the blush across Amelia's cheeks.

"What's with the smile?" Amelia completed her question when the singer tilted her head slightly.

August shook her head lightly. "I simply appreciate it—you dancing with me." Regardless if their arrangement began as strictly for PR, August knew that little by little, Amelia will make herself at home in her heart and if she will be the first to admit it, then so be it.

"I like making other people jealous." Amelia sent a wink.

"Jealous of me, that's for sure."

"Everybody in here wants to talk to you. Sharks lurking, waiting for me to leave you for a second." The actress briefly glanced around to see eyes on them. "I'm afraid I'd have to keep you closer." With a light tug, Amelia had both of their bodies flushed against each other, what was left of the already minimal space was now nonexistent. Just the way she liked it.

The two swayed to the song in silence, with August's head resting comfortably against the taller woman's shoulder.

"Oh, my good looking girl," Amelia whispered the altered lyrics right where the singer's ear was, perhaps hoping for some kind of reaction, which she got in a form of a blush.

August further tucked her face into the latter's neck, wishing that the warming of her cheek was not noticeable. "Ever think of becoming a singer instead?" She diverted.

"Giving me the idea to steal your Grammy." Amelia clicked her tongue. "Do not play with fire, August."

"But I already am." August lifted her head, and with it came a raised eyebrow. "An earlier warning would have been more appreciated."

"Would you have heeded it then?"

"If you said please, I would have considered it."

Amelia huffed in pretense but she just could not suppress the smile that wants to make an appearance.

When the last note played, August pulled away slightly and caught sight of the playful grin on Amelia's face before she felt herself being dragged away from the crowd. She soon found herself inside the nearest bathroom with the actress.

"What? Do you need me to assist you in peeing?" August teased, leaning on the counter.

The actress rolled her eyes but gestured towards her. "Come here."

August typically did not respond well whenever someone tells her what to do without her asking for directions but she finds that she didn't mind this time. Perhaps the dance lifted her mood too much to care. And so she stepped away from the counter and placed herself right in front of the older woman.

August held her breath unconsciously when Amelia delicately held her face in her hands. The soft pad of Amelia's thumb slowly smudged the pristine lipstick she had on. Although Amelia was focused on the task before her, August's eyes boomerang between Amelia's gentle blues and slightly pursed lips.

Remembering to breathe, August mirrored what Amelia was doing to her. The bright red lipstick fought to be smudged, and she had to apply a bit of pressure on those soft lips.

It was as though her body was on fire when the actress' tongue swiped through her bottom lip and accidentally touched her thumb for a brief second.

When August came out of trance, she looked up and saw the actress smirking at her.

"Seriously?" August scoffed.

"I was just helping you. It will be easier to smudge my lipstick now." Amelia lightly tugged on the singer's hair. "Go on."

The younger girl rolled her eyes but did as she was told.

A series of harsh knocks on the door reminded the two of them of where they were and urged them to finish it up. Once the two were satisfied by their slightly disheveled appearance, Amelia went out of the bathroom with August following her. The intruder, a lesser known director, wore a scandalized face at the sigh of them.

There were several eyes glued to the hallway they came from, all of which quickly diverted their gazes and pretended that they were doing something else.

It was safe to say that they had done their job perfectly.

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