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narrative !

"HEY NANA BABY." you called to your niece as she ran towards you, hugging your leg. her teacher came over, giving you a paper to sign her out like usual before you picked her up and brought her to the car. "aunty, can you help me convince daddy to get a cat?" nahla asked as you buckled her into her car seat.

"no. nobody will be home to take care of that cat and plus cats like scratching. and do you know who hates when things are out of place or look messed up? your mommy!" you smiled at her, patting her shoulder before closing the door and going to the drivers seat.

you sat in the car, pulling out the pick-up line and starting on the route home. "aunty whys there a ugly baby?" she asked you a terrified look on her face as she watched the babies eyes look around. "for a project. i know shes ugly stop playing with my baby." you furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at your niece through the rearview mirror.

"your baby looks like lord farquaad." nahla said with a straight face, casually pulling her ipad out her backpack like she didnt just disrespect your child. your cheeks puffed up as you tried not to laugh, starting to let out small giggles as you facetimed jahlel.

"yo." jahlel greeted, his eyes and forehead being the only things in the camera along with a few locs. "did you teach nana about lord farquaad?" you asked him, seeing his eyebrow raise, "yeah why?"

"why this little girl just say my baby look like lord farquaad.." you said, starting to cackle as jahlels eyes widened, beginning to laugh aswell.

you could hear his friends on the game laughing as they probably heard your conversation. "stop talking shit bout my baby." you told nahla watching her glance up from her ipad.

"your baby is fucking ugly." nahla told you, looking back down at her ipad. you and jahlel busted out laughing more as you pulled into the driveway, your hand covering your mouth trying to reduce the laughter. "gracies corner kids differenttt. im tellin yo momma you cussin. jahlel open the door im outside." you said before hanging up, watching nahla unbuckle her car seat. you picked up kennedy and helped nahla shimmy out through her side.

"you not telling my mommy right?"

"keep calling kennedy ugly and im going to."

you watched her pout as she held your hand, walking into the house. "hey nana baby." jahlel cooed to her, picking her up, "why you look sad?" he asked her, watching her point to you. "she said she gon tell mommy im cussin!" nahla whined, watching you smirk.

"call my baby ugly again, dont forget ill beat yo ass." you stuck your tongue out at her, walking up to your room. honestly if you really wanted to get under her skin you'd tell her shes a fucking accident, but then trinity would whoop you and that wasnt worth it.

your family was well off, your mom being from haitian and working her ass off in the states. you, jahlel, and nasir had been through it. the constant filing for family members, sharing rooms, going to school with your twelve different cousins and all getting into trouble for random shit.

it was wild.

then nasir started streaming and moved out, then got with trinity and knocked her up. but nahla being conceived was a game changer since thats when your parents decided that your aunts and uncles that were still in the house needed to get jobs so they can get the hell out.

in that nine month span you guys were free.

free and living in a nice ass neighborhood with a pool and fucking swings in your backyard.

so you guys spoiled nahla rotten, as she was your life saver after all. but now shes a bad ass little four year old who be cussin and beatin on the kids at her school.

"she not gon tell trin you cussin, come on you wanna play my game?" jahlel asked, receiving a smile and nod as they went to the basement where jahlel chose his room.

you placed kennedy on your bed, watching as she started to cry and wriggle. you just side eyed her, changing into a white cami and black plaid pajama pants before unzipping her bag, looking for her bottle and placing it in her mouth, watching as she still didnt shut up.

"well fuck." you rolled your eyes, checking her diaper. nothing. "maybe shes tired?" you thought to yourself, picking her up and rocking her.

the crying continued as you walked around your room, eventually turning on your tv and putting on a kdrama as you patted kennedys back. your lips formed a thin line as you just looked down at the crying baby, picking up your phone and calling sasuke.

he answered after the third ring, his face popping up in the camera as he looked like he was on the game. his phone was propped up on something and he maintained a bored expression as he sat in his gaming chair. "whys the first thing i hear just kennedy crying?" he asked as you propped your phone up on a perfume on your dresser, letting him watch you rock the poor infant.

"nigga your baby likes to cry, she was just fine in the car." you told him watching him start to laugh. "its not funny!" you scowled as he calmed down. "shes our baby, stop saying my." he rolled his eyes playfully as you mean mugged him.

"well my niece said OUR baby look like lord farquaad so obviously the baby look like you." you shrugged, watching sasukes eyes widen as he started laughing again. "and how old is your niece?"


"..yeah, maybe kennedy is ugly."

"maybe? she is."

sasukes eyebrows furrowed as he started getting irritated by kennedys crying. "hey just come over, ill text you my address. we'll figure something out when your here." he told you, picking up his phone.

he watched you nod in response, picking up your phone and kennedys baby bag. you turned off your tv and walked out your room, going downstairs. "your house a lil too nice." sasuke said as he looked at your chandelier.

"yeah my parents a lil extra. jahlel im goin' out." you told him, walking towards the door. "in pajamas?" he asked you, watching you side eye him. "yes." you rolled your eyes, hearing sasuke chuckle from your phone.

"hey, where are you taking lord farquaad!! aunty!!" nahla whined, jumping out the couch and running to you. "nahla i told you stop playin with my damn baby! she going to her daddy-" you argued with the four year old.

"nahla come here and y/n get out your baby is screaming." jahlel rolled his eyes, push your niece to the floor and stick your tongue out at her before leaving. you shut the door behind you, hearing sasuke laugh at the situation.

"its never that funny." you rolled your eyes as you walked to your car.


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