Chapter 11

108 7 0

(Friday, 3pm)

Eunhae's pov

I entered our little hideout to see Jungwon cuddling with Maeumi on my bench.

He's still wearing the knitted bracelet.

"Have you eaten?"
I asked as I took my seat beside him.

"Yea. How's work?"
He asked back.

"Great actually. A group of students came in and handed me many of their torn and tattered shirts. They're planning to donate to charity after I fix them"
I explained with a smile on my face.

"Wouldn't that be a lot of work for one person?"
He turned to me.

"Nope. They're doing it for a good cause. And besides, more money for me~"
I chuckled softly.

"Ohh that's-"

Just then, Jungwon's phone rang. He picked it up.

"Eomma? Is anything wrong?"
He asked.

I couldn't quite hear what his mom was saying but his eyes flickered, showing worry as he loosened his grip on Mauemi.

"Eomma, please tell her to wait for me. Please, just..wait for me"
Jungwon stood up, ending the call.

"What's happening? Jungwon?"
My eyes followed him as he walked towards the exit.

I quickly grab Maeumi and follow Jungwon. He quickened his footsteps, looking around frantically.

He stopped and I caught up with him trying to wave for a cab.

I have no idea what's going on, but something is telling me to be there for him.

He manages to stop a taxi and we both hop in.

"Ahjussi, please bring us to **** hospital"
Jungwon told the driver.

We start moving and I notice Maeumi who looks confused as me.

"Jungwon, why are we heading there? Did something happen?"
I tried not to sound too intrusive.

"Jungyoung noona..."
He fiddled with his fingers anxiously.

His sister?

"Ahjussi, can you speed up a little bit more? Sorry to trouble you"
He said to the driver.

The driver nods and presses down on the gas, cutting a few cars ahead of us.

25 minutes later

Jungwon thanks and pays the driver, rushing out without getting back his change.

With Maeumi in my arms, I followed Jungwon's figure heading towards the front desk.

"Room 0763"

Jungwon makes his way through the crowd of people as I tailed closely behind him, muttering apologies to the people around us.

We reached the ward and he slid the door open, running to his sister's hospital bed.

He exclaims.

I walk over and see an older couple, probably his parents, also looking at the pale girl on the bed. I bow to them and make my way beside Jungwon.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why? I thought I could help you get treatment..."
Jungwon takes a hold of Jungyoung's hand.

"You brought her with you"
Jungyoung gazes at me with a weak smile.

Flutters around Flowers | Yang Jungwon ♡Where stories live. Discover now