break up arc pt. 2

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“Zeke.” Tina nudged the taller boy with her sock clad foot, grinning at him. “C’mon, we’re supposed to be working.”

Zeke just groaned and curled up around her on the bed, reaching up and pulling her down. Tina yelped then giggled as he tucked her into his chest, nuzzling his nose against her hair. She wiggled in his arms, trying to get up, but he wouldn’t budge. Stupid wrestling, making him so strong. She huffed and rolled her eyes, but curled up against his chest and reached up a hand to play with his curls. A deep hum came from him as his eyes closed and he relaxed into her touch.

They were at his house for a study session. Well, it was supposed to be, anyways, but as usual he kept her distracted. Zeke’s room was a lot nicer than she’d have thought it would be. He had a queen sized bed with black sheets pressed against one wall. A TV on a little stand was on another, and on a third were shelves of books and movies and CDs, along with an acoustic guitar. His room had red carpet and the walls were a light beige color, making the room feel bigger than it was. Next to the bed was a desk with a lamp on that he kept on rather than the ceiling light. He’d told her the lamp’s light was better because it wasn’t so bright. He always kept the door open, even though his dad and stepmom were rarely ever home.

Ever since that Saturday three weeks ago, Tina had been at his house about every other day. Hanging out with Zeke was always fun, whether they were watching a movie or playing a game or even just doing homework and talking. He always listened when she talked, and vice versa. And they always ended up cuddling. Tina had never thought that he was cuddly, but she was quickly learning that this was his main love language. Maybe that was why he’d always been trying to wrestle Jimmy Jr., since most boys his age weren’t super comfortable just touching their friends.

The touching wasn’t just at his house, though. Everywhere they went, Zeke always had a hand on her or was pressed against her. It was like he was afraid that if he stopped touching her, he would never be able to again. It was the most attention she’d ever received from a boy without it having some double meaning. He never tried to kiss her or anything, and his hands always remained in appropriate places. It was odd to her, but not unwelcome. It was the kind of thing she’d always wanted from a friend. She’d just never expected it to come from Zeke.

Her hand paused in hair and she pursed her lips. Zeke immediately took note, opening his eyes and looking at her. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she said quickly, her eyes darting away.

“Liar.” Zeke sat up, pulling her up with him and turning her around so that her back was to him. His hands started rubbing her shoulders and she immediately melted into his touch. Damn him. He always seemed to know just what to do or say to get her comfortable and talking. “What’s goin’ on in that pretty lil head o' yers, T?”

Her eyes closed and her head lolled to one side as his hands massaged down her back. She really needed to ask him where he had learned how to do this. Maybe she could learn, too, and start repaying the favor. Plus she was sure her family would love it if she did this for them.

“Tina.” His fingers tickled at her sides a bit.

She shrieked and flailed, trying to bat his hands away. “Quit that!”

He laughed and just wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in with her back against his chest. “Sorry, sorry.” He rested his chin on her shoulder. “Now will ya please tell me what’s wrong?”

Tina sighed and leaned her head back against him. “It’s just…people keep asking if we’re dating.”

“Oh?” If she wasn’t so relaxed she might have noticed how he tensed a bit.

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